Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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II.] Correspondence with Scripture. 55

encompasses in its windings the whole land
of the Blacks. There is the source of the
inundating Neidos, in Egyptian " the Boun-
dary Burster;" of which the Hebrew word
Hiddekel, signifying " Violent," is but a pale
reflection. And there is the Congo, the river
of " Life," corresponding precisely with the
Hebrew Perith (fruitful), transformed by the
Greeks into the Euphrates. More striking-
still, in the eastward portion of the great
basin lies the wonderful garden, or Paradise,
three thousand square miles in extent, so
glowingly described by Stanley, and full of
animal life, the sceptre of which was one
of the insignia (the " Tad") borne by the
great deity Amen; while from that garden
flows the single river, the Shari, exactly
as iu our scriptural account the single river
flowed in the midst to water the garden which
was placed iu the eastward ' part of the

• In the innumerable attempts at the identification
of the birthplace of man, as recorded in Scripture—