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Birch, Samuel [Editor]
Catalogue of the collection of Egyptian antiquities at Alnwick Castle — London, 1880

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1068. Scarabseus, yeper, V^n elytra; on the base, in intaglio, © j


Ra user ma satp en Ra men, prenomen and titles of Rameses II., king of ,ffl»

the 18th dynasty : pierced. -J in. long. White glazed steatite. ^ yef^i *

1069. Scarabseus, yeper, no elytra; on the base, in intaglio, Rd user ma ^
satp en Rd, prenomen of Rameses II., king of the 19th dynasty, arranged ver- ||op°^s'" V^0^
tically : pierced. ■§ in. long. Blue glazed steatite. ^ yertically m

1070. Scarabseus, yeper, plain elytra; on the base, in intaglio, Rd user md g, pierced.
satp en Rd, prenomen of Rameses II., of the 19th dynasty, arranged vertically,
facing left. The king represented standing, wearing a helmet, yepers', and draped


in a full garment, hasui, with triangular apron, holding a crook: pierced. Jj#i^ ^

f in. long. White glazed steatite. ^ ^ of RarQ

1071. Scarabseus, yeper, no elytra; on the base, in intaglio, /J 0 R ^ P -J steatite.
Rd meses meri en Amen, " Rameses, beloved of Amen," name of Rameses II., ^

king of the 19th dynasty : pierced, § in. long. Green glazed steatite.

iknPtah mei

1072. Scarabseus, yeper, plain elytra; on the base, in intaglio, © " y) Ra , ,

^ {|e 20th or latei

user md, prenomen of Rameses II., of the 19th dynasty, wearing a helmet, ^ ed of Am(

yepers', draped, kneeling on both knees, and holding two vases o containing
wine or milk, to Sabak Ra, crocodile-headed, disked, seated on a pylon: pierced.
I in. long. Blue glazed steatite.

totals, yeper;

1073. Scarabseus, yeper, plain elytra; on the base, in intaglio, ^ *^x- ^ n ^ 'fi keeper satp
Ptah meri Sa en ptah, " Siptah, beloved of Rtah," name of Siphthah, king of dynasty arran<
the 19th dynasty : pierced, § in. long. Green glazed steatite. ^m

1074. Rectangular amulet; on one side, in intaglio, Neb s'au Rameses mer , ^

en Ptah neb heb md Amen, "Lord of diadems, Meneptah, the peace of Ptah, „ 1 XePer>

lord of diadems, like Amen Ra": prenomen of Meneptah I., placed vertically, * tltle and na

preceded by ^ ®, and followed by ^ ^ | !\ (j . On the other ^ to

Q ' l*e^," is

side is the same prenomen followed by ^ ( ° j( 2Ve6 s'aw Meneptah ' *

" ' pierced ^

£er pia^, " Lord of diadems, Meneptah, at peace through Ptah," name and ' 8"

titles of Meneptah, of the 19th dynasty, arranged vertically: pierced, fin. long. \

Green glazed porcelain. itdj dm,

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