Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Egypt Exploration Fund [Hrsg.]
Archaeological report: comprising the work of the Egypt Exploration Fund and the progress of egyptology during the year ... — 1900-1901

DOI Artikel:
Kenyon, Frederic George: Progress of Egyptology: graeco-roman Egypt
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From across the Atlantic comes the publication of another Homeric
papyrus, a fragment of 17. v. 822-841, edited (with a facsimile, be it noted
for imitation by others) by Mr. E. J. (roodspeed.13 The hand may be of
the late first or second century. Another Homeric text published by the
same scholar may be mentioned in this connection, though it should have
appeared in an earlier Eeport. This is a papyrus containing II. viii.
1—68 (omitting 11. 6 and 59), found on the site of ancient Karanis in the
Fayum, and belonging probably to the second century.13

Finally, to complete the record of the year's literary harvest, it may be
mentioned that some additional fragments of Herodas have been edited by
the present writer.11. They are scraps of the papyrus published in 1891,
which by some accident had remained in Egypt. There are forty-seven of
them in all, mostly containing only a few letters. Many of them can be
identified as belonging to the eighth mime, entitled " A Dream," and with
their aid it is possible to reconstruct a considerable part of that poem, and
to form an idea of its general drift.

Coming now to thejion-literary texts published during the past year, the
principal collections are those contained in the volumes of Amherst and
Egypt Exploration Fund papyri, already mentioned. The Amherst volume
contains 130 texts of this kind, the Fayum Towns volume 129, besides
brief descriptions of 31 additional documents in the one case, and 227 in the
other. Obviously it is impossible to mention all of these in detail, or to
discuss the points of interest which arise out of them. In general, they
are of the types with Avhich we are already familiar from previous
publications. They cover the whole of the papyrus period, from the third
century B.c. to the seventh or eighth century of the Christian era, and
they include official rescripts, tax-receipts and registers, records of legal
proceedings, petitions, sales, leases, loans, accounts, private letters, and the
like. Among the Amherst papyri may be mentioned a fragment of what
appears to be the " King's Eegulations " for the Ptolemaic army (No. 29);
a petition which shows that persons accused of peculation of the public
revenues were not allowed the assistance of professional lawyers (No. 33);
a long correspondence with regard to a lease of government land which
was out of cultivation, of the reign of Nero (No. 08); an application for an
oil factory in Heracleia in a.d. 102, showing that the government still
retained that industry to some extent under its own control (No. 92); and
several pjrivate letters. The total of new information, however, is not
very great. The plates of facsimiles are excellent.

Of the Fayum papyri contained in the Exploration Fund volume, the
most notable are the incomplete letter of. the dying Hadrian to his