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Egypt Exploration Fund [Hrsg.]
Archaeological report: comprising the work of the Egypt Exploration Fund and the progress of egyptology during the year ... — 1907-1908

DOI Artikel:
Kenyon, Frederic George: Progress of Egyptology: graeco-roman Egypt, 1907-8
DOI Artikel:
Crum, Walter E.: Progress of Egyptology: christian Egypt
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Christian Egypt.


38 Communio pro diviso und pro indiviso in Archiv, iv. 330 ft. (1908).

39 Elterliche Teilung, in Festschrift zur 49 Versammlung deutscher Philologen, Basel
1907, p. 521 ff.

40 Nachgeformte Rechtsgeschiifte, in Zeitsehrift der Savigny-Stiftung, xxviii. 311 ff.

41 Miszellen, ib. p. 380 ff.

42 Neiv Palaeographical Society, part vi (1908).

43 Studien zur Palaeographie und Papyruskwn.de, part viii.: (iriechisrhe Papyrus -
urkunden Meineren Formats, 2 Lieferung (Leipzig, 1908).

44 Op. cit., part vii. : Demotische und griechische Texte auf Mumientafelchen (Leipzig,

45 Notes d'e'pigraphie et dc papyrologie juridiques, in Nouvelle Eevue historique de Droit
francais et etranger, raai-juin, 1908, p. 285 ff.

46 Papyrus Jenensis, nr. 1, in Zeitschrift fur wissenschaftliche Hieologic, vol. 50,
p. 149 ff. (1907).

47 The Copper Coinage of the Ptolemies, in Annals of Archaeology and Anthropology,
parts 1-2, p. 30 ff. (1908).

48 Notes e'pigraphiques, in Bulletin de 1'Institut francais, t. vi (Le Cairo, 1908).

49 In Somnium Nectonabi (pap. Leid. U) ohseruationes aliquot, in Eos xiv, 11 ff. (1908).


1. Biblical.—Wessely has recognized some further fragments of the
Middle Egyptian MS. of the Epistles, whence Krall and Chassinat had
edited certain passages (v. Report 1902-3, 52) \ He doubts whether the
text on Zoega, p. 151, is from this same MS. I have however a facsimile
which proves this to be the case.

Mallon describes2 a Bohairic Psalter of the 15th or 14th century
which shows the usual liturgical additions (Odes).

The often discussed reference to 'Babylon' in 1 Peter v, 13 is interpreted
by Salomon Keinach3 as an indication of Tendenz in the writer—
probably a Syrian forger, ca. a.d. 80—who was bent on showing Babylon
(Old Cairo) to be an earlier Christian centre than Alexandria. Possibly
too he would utilize thus the tradition of Peter as the teacher of Mark.

Deissmann's new book,4 treating as it does primarily of biblical studies,
may be mentioned here. It is mainly concerned (like many of the
author's recent writings) in emphasising the importance of the non-literary
materials made available by modern excavation and travel. The value of
Egyptian papyri and ostraca are the theme of a great part of this highly
interesting book. The principal texts described and commented are the