Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 71.1917

DOI Heft:
No. 292 (July 1917)
DOI Artikel:
Eddington, A.: The ninty-first exhibition of the Royal Scottish Academy
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The Royal Scottish Academy

"in god's quiet garden by the sea" oil painting by w. s. macgeorge, r.s.a.

Churchill, and a characteristic study of the Army Mr. Gibb has expressed in a large canvas,
youthful Lady Ursula Grosvenor. In the thirty Highlanders in a hut grouped round a
portrait of Mrs. Lauchlan Mackinnon, Mr. chaplain who is about to dispense the Sacra-
David Alison has produced a work of exception- ment. The separate figures are distinctive ; it
ally fine quality, justifj'ing the prediction of is not a merely imaginary group, and composi-
a brilliant career, and Mr. Fiddes Watt main- tion and lighting are excellent. It should find
tains his reputation for fidelity to life by his a place in a Scottish gallery. Another subject
portraits of Lord Proi ost Inches in the robes picture of a different type is Mr. John Duncan's
of office, Sir John Macdonald in his robes as The Coming of Bride—not the legendary saint,
Lord Justice Clerk, and the Earl of Crawford or the Bride of Kildare, but the pagan Celtic
and Balcarres. The virility of his style is Bride who had the care of youth. The maiden
particularly apparent in the last named. is surrounded by figures, and the earth yields
Among the subject pictures a leading place her rich early blossoms. It is a beautiful, deli-
is taken by Mr. Robert Gibb's Communion at cately co-ordinated vision of spring. Another
the Front. Many years ago His Majesty's Limner fine subject picture is Mr. Gemmell Hutchison's
achieved success in battle-pieces, such as The Irish Nun of Ypres, tenderly enfolding a sleep-
Thin Red Line, and after his resignation of the ing child. Figure subjects of considerable merit
Curatorship of the National Gallery he again are shown by Mr. T. Martine Ronaldson and
turned his mind to this type of work. On the Mr. F. C. B. Cadell, though the latter leaves as
present occasion he has chosen a feature of this usual rather much for the spectator to fill in.
war which is distinctive, and to find a parallel Interesting studies of children are also seen
carries us back to English Puritan or Scottish by Mr. Hugh Cameron and Mr. Duddingston
Covenanter times. The alliance of Church and Herdman.