Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 71.1917

DOI Heft:
No. 292 (July 1917)
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and lace-making. In most cases, as pointed hold built up during years of peace," and in
out by the authors, these early arts and crafts another German Kultur upbraids Pan-German-
have the character of " folk art "—that is, ism. It may be true that German Kultur of
they were " of and by the people." An impor- a generation ago was antagonistic to militarism,
tant exception, however, was the work of the but unfortunately there have been few, if
silversmiths, who from the first appear to have any, signs of its dissociation in these days
been trained and skilled craftsmen, for whose from the megalomania which claims world-
productions, equal in general to those of English dominion for Germany ; on the contrary, its
craftsmen, there was apparently a large demand, exponents seem to have supported the military
to judge by the extensive list given by the power as zealously as the Prussian Junkers
authors of silversmiths practising in numerous themselves, and Mr. Philpot's drawing of Pan-
localities prior to 1830. In this early American Germanism falling into the arms of Prussian
craftwork, English and Dutch traditions are militarism is equally applicable to German Kul-
chiefly discernible, but the first Spanish settlers tur. The letterpress is given in German as well
and the Germans who settled in Pennsylvania as English.

long before the modern tide of immigration set Pictures of Ruined Belgium. Seventy-two
in have left behind interesting relics of the pen-and-ink sketches by Louis Berden. The
crafts they brought with them. The volume French text by Georges Verdavaine. Trans-
is an excellent example of book production, and lation by j. Lewis May. (London : John
the illustrations, which are very numerous, are Lane.) 7s. 6d. net. As here presented in word
particularly good. and picture the tragic story of Belgium's martyr-
The Twilight of the Hohenzollerns. With dom, with its wholesale massacres of innocent
twelve illustrations by Glyn Philpot. (London : people, old and young, and ruthless destruction
Cecil Palmer and Hayward.) Whether or not and spoliation of their homes, their churches,
there is any real justification for reading in and other cherished possessions, is almost
Wagner's famous music-drama " Der Ring des without parallel in the history of mankind, and
Nibelungen," and more especially the closing if there is any one left who still entertains a
scene, " a subconscious prophecy of Germany's lingering affection for German " Kultur " let
downfall," the text has required but a small him study these pages and learn what it really
amount of change to fit in with this conception means. The text, printed in French and
and so to turn " Die Gotterdammerung " into English on opposite pages, embodies the facts
" Die Hohenzollerndammerung." In one ascertained after careful investigation by official
respect, however, this interpretation, upon inquiry, and no attempt has been made to
which Mr. Glyn Philpot's series of drawings is exaggerate them ; and equally plain and straight-
based, is in conflict with actualities in repre- forward is the story told by the illustrations,
senting German " Kultur " as opposed to Pan- which consist of drawings made from photo-
Germanism and Prussian militarism. One of graphs by Monsieur Berden, an architect by
Mr. Philpot's drawings shows German Kultur profession, who spent eighteen months in going
leading Germania, " accompanied by German from place to place gathering material for this
art, science, and industry, into the superb strong- record of German barbarity.
