4 Monaco■> Genoa.) &c.
forced, by contrary Winds, into St.7?<r-
MO) a very pretty Town in the Genoese
Dominions. TheFrontto thcSeaisnot
large, but there are a great many Houses
behind it, built up the Side of theMoun-<
tain, to avoid the Winds and Vapours
that come from Sea. We here saw se-
veral Persons, that in the mid st of De-
cember had nothing over their Shoulders
bur their Shirts, without complaining of
the Cold. It is certainly very lucky for
the poorer sort, to be born in a Place that
is free from the greatest Inconvenience,
to which those of our Northern Nati-
ons are subjeft; and indeed without this
natural Bet res, the ex-
tream Misery and Poverty that are in
most of the Italian Gover? •
be insupportable. There are at St.Ao
mo ra-. .aions of Palm-trees, that
do not grow in other Parts of Italy. We
sailed from hence dire&iy forG<.w.%7, and
had a fair Wind that carried us into the
middle of the Gulf, which is very re-
markable for Tempests and Scarcity of
Fdh. It is probable one may be the
Cause of the other, whether it be that
the Fiiher-men cannot employ their Art
with so much Success in so troubled a
Sea, or that the Fiih do not care for in-
habiting such stormy Waters.
DejMns fisa
While f
I Ocean rolls,
A-odtrnm the
Finny 5hole
wind, we ^re c
iWasfir as
?eat Danger v
We were fore
and our Gp?.
great Danger
and coi
chin who wjj
forced, by contrary Winds, into St.7?<r-
MO) a very pretty Town in the Genoese
Dominions. TheFrontto thcSeaisnot
large, but there are a great many Houses
behind it, built up the Side of theMoun-<
tain, to avoid the Winds and Vapours
that come from Sea. We here saw se-
veral Persons, that in the mid st of De-
cember had nothing over their Shoulders
bur their Shirts, without complaining of
the Cold. It is certainly very lucky for
the poorer sort, to be born in a Place that
is free from the greatest Inconvenience,
to which those of our Northern Nati-
ons are subjeft; and indeed without this
natural Bet res, the ex-
tream Misery and Poverty that are in
most of the Italian Gover? •
be insupportable. There are at St.Ao
mo ra-. .aions of Palm-trees, that
do not grow in other Parts of Italy. We
sailed from hence dire&iy forG<.w.%7, and
had a fair Wind that carried us into the
middle of the Gulf, which is very re-
markable for Tempests and Scarcity of
Fdh. It is probable one may be the
Cause of the other, whether it be that
the Fiiher-men cannot employ their Art
with so much Success in so troubled a
Sea, or that the Fiih do not care for in-
habiting such stormy Waters.
DejMns fisa
While f
I Ocean rolls,
A-odtrnm the
Finny 5hole
wind, we ^re c
iWasfir as
?eat Danger v
We were fore
and our Gp?.
great Danger
and coi
chin who wjj