Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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104 The Republick
Years old, and chuse the Officers of the
Thus far they agree with the Great
Council of Venice^ but their Power is
much more extended 5 for no Sentence
can (land that is not confirmed by Two
Thirds of this Council. Besides, that
no Son can be admitted .into it during
the Life of his Father, nor Two be in it of
the same Family, nor any enter but by E-
le&ion. The chief Officers of the Com-
mon-wealth are the Two Capitaneos^ who
have such a Power as theold7?o;awCon-
suls had, but are chosen every Six Months.
I talk’d with some that had been Capi-
taneos Six or Seven times, tho’ the Office
is never to be continu’d to the samePer-
sons twice successively. The Third Of-
ficer is the Commissary, who judges in
all Civil and Criminal Matters. But be-
cause the many Alliances, Friendships,
and Intermarriages, as well as the Pcr-
sonal Feuds and Animosities that happen
among so small a People might obitrust
the Course of Justicc, if one of their
own Number had the Distribution ofitj
they have always a Foreigner for this Em-
ploy, whom they chuse for Three Years,
and maintain out of the Publick Stock.
He must be a Doctor of Law, and a
Man of known Integrity. He is join’d