±io From Naples tv
are all Vassals to the Marquis de Fa-
The next Morning I went to see the
Hie of Ischia^ that Hands further out
into the Sea. The ancient Poets call
it Inarime^ and lay 'Typhous under it, by
reason of its Eruptions of Fire. There
has been no Eruption for near these
Three Hundred Years. The last was
very terrible, and destroy’d a whole Ci-
ty. At present there are scarce any Marks
left of a Subterraneous Fire, for the Earth
is cold, and over-run with Grass and
Shrubs, where the Rocks will suffer it.
it, thro’ which there ilsues a constant
Smoke, but ’tis probable this arisessrom
t.he warm Springs that feed the many
Baths with which this Hand is plenti-
fully slock’d. I observ’d, about one of
ties that ssouriih within the Steam of
these Vapours, and have a continual
Moisture hanging upon them. On the
South of Ischia lyes a round Lake os
about Three Quarters os a Mile Diame-
ter, separate from the Sea by a narrow
Tradt of Land. It was formerly a Ro-
man Port. On the North End of the
Issand stands the Town and Castle, on
are all Vassals to the Marquis de Fa-
The next Morning I went to see the
Hie of Ischia^ that Hands further out
into the Sea. The ancient Poets call
it Inarime^ and lay 'Typhous under it, by
reason of its Eruptions of Fire. There
has been no Eruption for near these
Three Hundred Years. The last was
very terrible, and destroy’d a whole Ci-
ty. At present there are scarce any Marks
left of a Subterraneous Fire, for the Earth
is cold, and over-run with Grass and
Shrubs, where the Rocks will suffer it.
it, thro’ which there ilsues a constant
Smoke, but ’tis probable this arisessrom
t.he warm Springs that feed the many
Baths with which this Hand is plenti-
fully slock’d. I observ’d, about one of
ties that ssouriih within the Steam of
these Vapours, and have a continual
Moisture hanging upon them. On the
South of Ischia lyes a round Lake os
about Three Quarters os a Mile Diame-
ter, separate from the Sea by a narrow
Tradt of Land. It was formerly a Ro-
man Port. On the North End of the
Issand stands the Town and Castle, on