34^ Bolonia, Modena,
them. I passed through Piemont and Savoy,
at a time when the Duke was forced,
by the Necessity of his Affairs, to be in
Alliance with the French.
I came diredcly from 'Turin to Gene-
va, and had a very ealie Journey over
Mount Cennis, though about the Begin-
ning of December, the Snows having not
. On the Top of this h
.Mountain is a large Plain, and in the
xnidst of the Plain a beautiful Lake, which
Would be very extraordinary were there
not several Mountains in the Neighbour-
hood riling over it.The Inhabitants there-
about pretend that it is unfathomable,
and I question not but the Waters of it
fill up a deep Valley, before they come
to a Level with the Surface of the Plain.
It is well flocked with Trouts, though
they say it is covered with Ice Thi ee
Quarters of the Year.
There is nothing in the natural Face
of Italy that is more delightful to a Tra-
veller, than the several Lakes which are
dispersed up and down among the ma-
ny Breaks and Hollows of the Alps arid
Apennines. For as these vast Heaps os
Mountains are thrown together with.so
much Irregularity and Confusion, they
form a great Variety of hollow Bot-
toms, that often lye in the Figure of
them. I passed through Piemont and Savoy,
at a time when the Duke was forced,
by the Necessity of his Affairs, to be in
Alliance with the French.
I came diredcly from 'Turin to Gene-
va, and had a very ealie Journey over
Mount Cennis, though about the Begin-
ning of December, the Snows having not
. On the Top of this h
.Mountain is a large Plain, and in the
xnidst of the Plain a beautiful Lake, which
Would be very extraordinary were there
not several Mountains in the Neighbour-
hood riling over it.The Inhabitants there-
about pretend that it is unfathomable,
and I question not but the Waters of it
fill up a deep Valley, before they come
to a Level with the Surface of the Plain.
It is well flocked with Trouts, though
they say it is covered with Ice Thi ee
Quarters of the Year.
There is nothing in the natural Face
of Italy that is more delightful to a Tra-
veller, than the several Lakes which are
dispersed up and down among the ma-
ny Breaks and Hollows of the Alps arid
Apennines. For as these vast Heaps os
Mountains are thrown together with.so
much Irregularity and Confusion, they
form a great Variety of hollow Bot-
toms, that often lye in the Figure of