Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
1 cm
Tirol, Infyruck) Hals&c.. 403
Knees, and on the Sides of it a beau-
tiful Bas Relief representing the Actions
of this Prince. His whole History is
digested into Twenty Four square Pan-
nels of Sculpture in Bas Relief: The
Subject of 1'wo of them is his Confede-
racy with Henry the Eighth, and the
Wars they made together upon France.
On each Side of this Monument is a
Row of very noble Brazen Statues much
bigger than the Life, most of them re-
presenting fuch as were some way or o-
ther related to Maximilian. Among the
rest is one that the Fathers of the Con-
vent tell us represents King Arthur the
old Britijh King. But what Relation
had that Arthur to Maximilian? I don’t
question therefore but it was de-
signed for Prince Arthur^ Elder Bro-
ther of Henry the Eighth, who had es-
poused Catharine) Sister of Maximilian)
whose Divorce afterwards gave occasi-
on to such signal Revolutions in Eng-
land. This Church was built by Ferdinand
theFirst. One sees in it a kind of Offer at
Modern Architecture, but at the same
time that the Architect has shown his
Dislike of the Gothick manner, one may
fee very well that in that Age they were
not, at least in this Country, arrived
at the Knowledge of the true Way.