Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Alberti, Leon Battista
Della architettura di Leon Battista Alberti libri 10, della pittura libri 3 e della statua libro 1 / The architecture of Leon Battista Alberti in ten books, of painting in three books and of statuary in one book (uebers. von Cosimo Bartoli und Giacomo Le — London, 1726 [Cicognara, 378]

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Libro V.
fra il cancello e gli (leccati, sieno abitazioni e luo-
ghi per le guardie armate : Dipoi slavi una corte
allo seoperto, e di qua e di là adattati Portici ne'
quali sieno più fineitre da poter vedere in più dan-
ze. In quelle danze, i Falliti e gì'Indebitati sie-
no serrati, e non tutti insieme, ma dispersi :
In teda vi sia una Prigione alquanto più ilret-
ta, dove s'abbiano a serrare quei che anno pec-
cati leggieri, più addentro poi lì serrino i Prigioni
in vita in stanze più secrete.

Book V.


Cap. XIV.
Degli &disicj privati e loro disfe-
renze : Della Villa, e delle cofe
da osservarsi nel collocarla e mu-
O vengo ora a trattare degli Edificj
Privati. Io ti dilli altrove che la cala
era una piccola Città. Biiogna adun-
que conìiderare nel farla quali tutte
quelle cose che spettano al fare una Città : che ella
sia Sanillìma, abbia tutte le cose che le bisognano,
porga di sé tutte le commodità che giovano a vi-
vervi con quiete con tranquillità e con dilicatez-
za. Quali sieno tutte quelle cose di lor natura,
e quali abbiano ad elsere, e come fatte ; mi pare in
gran parte averne trattato ne' paslati libri. Ma in
quello luogo, prelo il principio d'altronde, cornili»
cieremo la cosa in quella maniera. Egli è cola
manifeda che la Casa privata si debbe sare per
amor della famiglia, acciocché ella vi polla Ilare
dentro commodillimamente. Non sarà commo-
da abbadanza quella cala, in cui non saranno tutte
quelle cose delle quali colloro an bil'ogno. Gran-

plan of an entire Prison may answer all the afore-
mentioned purposes. Enclose with very high and.
llrong Walls, without any apertures, a i'pace os
ground in sonie secure and not unsrequented part
of the City, and fortify it with Towers and Gal-
leries. From this Wall inwards towards the apart-
ments where the priloncrs are to be confined let
there be an open walk about four foot and a half
wide, where the Keepers may take their rounds
every night to prevent any elc.ipes by conlpiracy
among the prisoncrs. The spacc remaining in the
middle of this circuit divide in the following man-
ner. Inllcad of a Yellibule niùke a good pleasant
Hall, where those may be instruScJ who are sent
thither in order to be forced to learn how to de-
mean themselves. Next to this Hall, make habi-
tations for the Coalers and places for them to keep
guard in, within an enclosure of lattices and
cross-bars. Next let there be an open Court, with
Porticoes on each side of is, with windows in them,
thro' which you may see into all the cells within ;
in which cells bankrupts and debtors are to be
confined, not all together, but in disferent apart-
ments. In the front of this Court there mull be
a closer prison, for such as are guilty of sinali of-
fences, and beyond that a place where prisor.ers
for capital crimes may be confined with yet greater
striflness and privacy.
C H A P. XIV. •
Os private houses and their difseren-
ces ; as al jo of the Country houfe,
and the rules to he ohfer-ced in
its siliation and strutlure.
come to treat of private edi-
I have already observed else-
where that a house is a little City. We
are therefore in the building of it, to
eye almoil to every thing that relates to
the building of a City ; that it be healthy, fur-
nillied with all manner of neccllaries, nor deficient
in any of the conveniences that conduce to the
reposc, tranquillity or delicacy of life. What
those are and how they are to be obtained, I
think I have already, in a great measure, (hewn
in the preceding books. However, as the creation
here is different, we silali conlidcr them over again
in the following manner. A private House is ma-
nifellly deligncd for the lise of a family, to which
it ought to be a useful and convenient abode. It
will not be io convenient :is it ought, if it has
not every thing within itlelf that the family has

have ;
