Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Alberti, Leon Battista
Della architettura di Leon Battista Alberti libri 10, della pittura libri 3 e della statua libro 1 / The architecture of Leon Battista Alberti in ten books, of painting in three books and of statuary in one book (uebers. von Cosimo Bartoli und Giacomo Le — London, 1726 [Cicognara, 378]

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Libro V.

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cui) quanto {Indio cerchino d'avere i lor siglioli
in un nido pulito. E' cosa certo maraviglio!';!
quel clic ne avvertilo: la Natura. Conciona
che i Rondinini subito che' anno assodate per
I' età le membra loro, non vacuano sé non
fuori del nido : e i Padri e le Madri
per dil'coilare più detta bruttura, portati via
co'l becco gli cscrcmcnti de' siglioli : Io penici
adunque che sui bene obbedire alla Natura, che
ne avvertisee il Bene.

Cai». XVIU.
Che differenza sui fra te Case de
Ricchi in Villa, e in Città. E
che le Casc de manco ricchi si
dell'ano assoriiigliase a quelle de
più ricchi, secondo però le richex-
zc loro. E che fi della salhri-
care per la State pia che per
E Case per la Villa, e quelle per la
Città, de' Ricchi, sono differenti in
quello, che la Villa per li Ricchi fer-
ve per una casa per la State ; usan-
:llì le Case della Città, por difenderli più

The bigger the Vcsfcl is, the more spirit ami
strength will be in the Wine. Oyl delights in a
Warm Iliade, and cannot cndute any cold Wind ;
and is 1'poilt by smokc or any other (team. We lhall
not dwell upon coarset matters; narrjely,how there
ought to be two places for keeping dung in, 0:1c
sor the old, and another sor the new; that it loves
the Sun and MoisUlre, and is dried up and cx-
haulted by the Wind : but silali only give this
general rule, that thole places which arc mull liable
to danger by sire, as Hay-lofts and the like, and
thole which arc unpleasant cither to the light or
linell, ought to be let out os the way and Impara-
teci by themsclves. It may not be amil's just to
mention here, that the Dung os Oxen will nor
breed Serpents. But there is one silthy praflise
which I cannot kelp taking notice of/ We take
care in the Country to set the Dung-hill out os
the way in somc remote corner, that the Smell
may not offend our Ploughmen ; and yet in our
own houses, in our belt chambers (where we our-
selves are to rest) and as it were at our very bol-
stcrs, we are so impolite as to make secret privies;
or rather isore-rooms of is ink. Is a man is lick,lee
him make lise os a close-ltool ; but when he is in
health, sinely such nallincss cannot be too sar
osf. It is worth observing how caresul Birds are,
and particularly Swallows, to keep their nefts clean
and neat for their young ones. The example Nature
herein sets us is wonderful. Even the young Swal-
lows, as soon as ever time has ftrcngthened their
limbs will never mute, but out os the Nell ; and the
old ones, ro keep the silth at a ftill greater distance,
will catch it in their bills as it is salling, to carry
it further oss srom their own Nell. Since Nature
has given us this excellent inilruclion, I think we
ought by no means neglect it.
The difference let ween the Country-
house and Toun-house for the
Rich. The Habitations os the mid-
dling sort ought to resemide those
of the Rich ; at leas in proportion
to their circumftances. Buildings
sioud he contrived more sor Sum-
mer, than for Winter.
H E Oountry-house and Town-house sor
the Rich differ in this uicumll nice ; that
they use their Country-liouse chiefly for
a habitation in the Summer, and their
.•n-houl'c as a convenient place of lhelter in