Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Birch, Samuel [Editor]
Catalogue of the collection of Egyptian antiquities at Alnwick Castle — London, 1880

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1464a. Inlaid panel from a box; with a horizontal line of hieroglyphs, inlaid
with black paint:

lA^fl^ ^^^^^ fc¥ 5%

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,s?rfe?i to ^e^p Amen neb nest ta ta f per .t neb t her y_cw{ f hes ut f ent rd
kar en ka en repd ha meh ah xerP en ne^ ^a ia mer s'na en Amen Adhmes
nem dn\ neb amayu.

"Act of homage to Amen, lord of the thrones of the two countries, who gives
all things coming upon his altar, favoured of the course of every day for the
service of the prince, heir apparent, duke, satisfying the heart of the lord of
the two countries, superintendent of the two granaries, Aahmes, living a second
time, a blessed lord." llf in. long, 2-j in. wide. Ivory.

1464 b. Rectangular slip, panel of a box; on it is engraved a horizontal line
of hieroglyphs, facing to the left:

=== \\ _5* lli \M H J\ I HI i D I

Neb Taser ta f neteri Ba a em kar neter s'esu Sekar em Rusta TIesar em

"[Offered to Osiris,] Lord of Taser, who gives my soul power to become
divine in Hades, that I should follow Sekaris in Rusta and Osiris in Tattu."

It is part of a sepulchral dedication on behalf of a person whose name is
not mentioned, in whose tomb this article of furniture was deposited. It is
of coarse workmanship, and of very late style. There are three holes for plugs
to fix it to the box. 1 ft. i in. long, f in. wide. Ebony.

1465. Box for the toilet, for holding wax, balsam, or some other material,
in shape of a trussed duck or goose, sent, with stud at the neck for pivot of
cover, which is oval and forms the upper part of the body. There is a pivot
at the tail, but that in the cover is wanting1. 31 in. long. Dark wood, appa-
rently ebony.

1466 a. Box, in shape of a lute or guitar, the nefer, used as a hieroglyph
to express beauty, goodness and perfection. It has only the representation of

1 Wilkinson, Man. and Cust. n. p. 16.