Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Birch, Samuel [Editor]
Catalogue of the collection of Egyptian antiquities at Alnwick Castle — London, 1880

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"Act of homage to Osiris, who dwells in the West, great god, lord of Abutu
[Abydos], who has given sepulchral meals of food and drink, oxen, geese, bread,
clothes, fabrics, incense, wax, all good and pure things, the gift of heaven, the
delicious breath of the North wind, light, power and justification to the super-
intendent of the place, entering the place of fruit, Amen-em-ha, born of the
lady of a house, Hektnefert, justified, a devoted person, son of the devoted
Sa-antu, justified."

On the fourth side there is a representation of the god Amsi, Khem, Min or
Amen Horus, represented standing under his usual type, wearing a skull-cap,
namms, surmounted by the two tall plumes, s'u, a collar, usx, round his neck,
and his body swathed or mummied, mer em hebs. His right hand, thrown
behind him, holds the whip. The inscription beneath is a dedication to the
god on behalf of Amen-em-ha. It reads

"Act of homage to Khem, the powerful Horus, the director of the gods who
are in Abydos, who have given sepulchral meals of food and drink, oxen, geese,
bread, clothes, fabrics, incense, wax, all good and pure things, gifts of heaven,
products of earth, tribute of the Nile, off which a god lives, the delicious breath
of the North wind, to the superintendent of the place, Amen-em-ha, justified."
1 ft. 7 in. high, 1 ft. 1 in. wide. Calcareous stone.

1985. Pyramidion with sculptures and inscriptions in the usual cavo relievo,
very rude and confused. On the first side the bari, or boat of the Sun, with
the scarabseus, emblem of that god, especially in his character of Hut or the
solar disk, pushing forward the Sun's orb. The disk has at the side two
symbolic eyes, those of the god Horus, and emblematic of the Sun and Moon.
The boat has two hawk-headed paddles, and beneath are two apes standing
adoring or trembling at the Sun. There is an illegible inscription in front,
facing to the right, and two vertical lines of hieroglyphs; the first, facing right,
reads "Adoration to the Sun, Harmachis, who goes [and comes] from the
Horizon." The other line faces to the right, and reads "Adoration to Ra
[when in] the hour at peace in the land of life."

On the side opposite this is a person apparently named Pakhnum, kneeling
and facing to the left. He is on both knees, and wears on his head a kind of
fringed conical ornament, placed on a skull-cap: a tunic is round his loins.