Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Anderson, William J.; Spiers, Richard Phené; Ashby, Thomas [Hrsg.]
The architecture of Greece and Rome (2): The architecture of ancient Rome: an account of its historic development ... — London, 1927

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Roman architecture, Origins of, 15 ;
Doric Order, 43 ; Ionic Order,
44 ; Roman triumphal arches :
Variations in height of pedestals,
50 ; Characteristics of vaults, 38 ;
M. Choisy’s researches, ib
Rome, Remains of fortification at, 3 ;
Public monuments of, 20 ; Plan-
ning of, 24
Romulus, Mausoleum of, on the Via
Appia, 82
Roofs of Roman temples, 74
Rostra Julia : for the orators, 72

Saintes, Arch at, 116
St. Chamas, Bridge at, 127
S. Costanza, the Mausoleum of Con-
stantia, 83
S. Lorenzo, Church of : Treatment of
capitals, used in, 47
S. Maria degli Angeli, 100, 107
S. Nicolo in Carcere, Church of, 17
St. Remy, Monument at, 123
Salaria, Via, Embankment walls, 7
Sallust, House of, 153
Sardinia, Discovery of tombs in, 7
Saturn, Temple of, 3, 23, 44, 45
Sbeitla (Sufetula), Temple at, 76
Scaurus, M., iEdile : Wooden theatre
erected by, 89
Scipios, Tomb of the, 17
Secundinus Monument, of, 123
Sedia del Diavolo : Tomb, 37
Segesta, Theatre of : Concrete sub-
structions of, 30
Segni, Porta Saracinesca at, 5
Seleucidae, Streets constructed by the,
at Antioch, 60
Sempronia, the basilica, 83
Seneca’s opinion of hypocausts, 163
Septimus Severus, Palace of, on the
Palatine, 37 ; Building at Baal-
bec, 64; Arch of, 48, 119
Septizonium, The, 135
Serapis, Temple of, at Taormina, 21 ;
on the Quirinal Hill, 48 ; in the
Colonna Gardens, 71
“ Servian ” wall, Rome, 7
Sette Bassi, Villa known as, 36
Severus, Palace of, 136
Shahba, Theatre at, 91
Sia, Temple of, in the Hauran, 65
Side, Theatre of, 91
Silver Wedding, House of the, at
Pompeii, 152
Sovana, Doorways of rock-cut ton : -
at, 8
Spalato, 63
Stabian Baths, Pompeii, 112

Stadium of Domitian in Campus
Martius, 97
Stone walls, 28
Stucco, cements, and marble facing, 41
Sulla, Period of : Building activity, 18
Sunamein (south of Damascus), Temple
at, 50
Sun, Temple of, built by Aurelian, 48 ;
at Baalbek, 59, 65, 67, 75 ; at
Palmyra, 62, 73
Superposed Orders, 49
Susa, Arch of, 115
Sutri, Amphitheatre at, 91
Syria, Stone vaulting in, 32 ; Roman
colonnaded streets in, 60 ; Lay-
out of temple sites, 62 ; Theatres,
89 ; Important archways, x 18
Roman tombs, 130

Tabularium, The, 18, 21, 28, 31, 38,
43. 49
Taormina : Theatre, 90
Tarquinii, tomb, of the, Cerveteri, 14
Telmessus, Theatre of, 91
Temples, Etruscan, 8 ; Greek, 9 ;
Roman : Planning of sites of, 68 ;
Principal : Remains existing, 70
Templum sacrse urbis, 19, 28
Tenement houses, Heights of, 162
Termessus in Pisidia, Temple at, 62
Terracina, Harbour at, 18
Terra-cotta temple decorations, 11
Theatres, 87 ; Algae, 91 ; Aizani, 89,
91 ; Alinda, 91 ; Amman, 91 ; in
Asia Minor, 89 ; Aspendus, 89-91 ;
Beisan, 91 ; Bosra, 90 ; Colos-
seum, 90 ; Dionysus, 90 ; Gerasa,
91 ; Marcellus, 88, 89 ; Odeon of
Herodes Atticus, 90 ; Orange, 88 ;
89, 91 ; Conjectural restoration,
90 ; Pompeii, 91 ; Shuhba, 91 ;
Side, 91 ; Sjnian, 89; Taormina,
90 ; Telmessus, 91
Thebes, High Priestesses’ tombs, at, 3
Thermae, 99 ; of Diocletian, Agrippa,
Nero, 100-6 ; Caracalla, 101-6 ;
Trajan, 107 ; Constantine and
Titus, 108 ; Decoration, heating,
&c., 108-12 ; Stabian, Forum,
and Central Baths, x 12-13
Thuburbo, Forum of. North Africa, 57
Thysdrus, Amphitheatre, at, 97
Tiberius, Arch of, 58 ; Palace of, 133
Timgad, Arch at, 118 ; Mosaics at, 159
Tibur, Site of temple at, 69
i us. Thermae of, so-called, 108
is. Arch of : Earliest example of
Composite Older, 48, 116
.’•oli, Temples at, 21, 23