Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Egypt Exploration Fund [Editor]
Archaeological report: comprising the work of the Egypt Exploration Fund and the progress of egyptology during the year ... — 1909-1910

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Griffith, Francis Ll.: Progress of Egyptology, [1]: Archaeology, hieroglyphic studies, etc.
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Progress of Egyptology.

washing out the mouth before a repast, Bec. de Trav. xxxii. 164, and
points out that two leather objects from the tomb of the black officer
Maherpra seem to be identical with part of tbe costume of soldiers at tbe
back of the loin cloth as depicted in tbe tombs at Thebes. ib. 173.

Legge concludes bis study of the early slate "palettes," suggesting tliat
they represent the conquests by a Lion-tribe invading Egypt and enslaving
the karnata-wearing race that they found tbere. P.S.B.A. xxxi. 297.

Legrain publishes the second volume of the Catalogue of statues and
statuettes in the Cairo Muséum, chiefly from the Karnak find and
covering the period from Dyn. XIX. to Dyn XXI. Statues et Statuettes de
Bois et de Particuliers ; and figures a very curious group of queen
Amenartais, daughter of Uashta, seated affectionately on the knees of the
god Ammon. Bec. de Trav. xxxi. 139, cf. xxxii. 40.

Fine ushabti of the âge of Akhenaton from Thebes. Maspero, Musée
Egyptien, iii. Pl. xxiii.

Montet studies scènes of butchery in Old Kingdom tombs. Bulletin,
viii. 41.

Three ushabti, scarab, etc., ISTash, P.S.B.A. xxxii. 37 ; ushabti, snake in
bronze, early frog lamp, id. il), xxxii. 124; fragment of obelisk from Sais
with représentation of the four winds, ushabti, glazed fragments of
Tutankhamon. id. ib. 193.

On a cupola supported by pendentives in a tomb at Drah abu '1 Xegga.
Pierox, Bulletin, vi. 173. The secret chambers or treasuries in the birth
house at Dendera. id. ib. vii. 71.

Interesting scène of drilling and fashioning stone vases, from a ruined
mastaba near the tomb of Ty at Saqqara. Quibell, Musée Egyptien,
iii. Pl. xxii.

Discovery of early palaeolithic iinplements in the sandstone région at
Aswan, similar to those of flint from the limestone région at Thebes. The
materials are quartz and other hard rocks. ScinvEiXFURTir, Zcits. f.
Ethnol. 1909, 735.

Study of Egyptian finger-rings from the technical point of view,
with numerous figures to illustrate the explanation of the methods of
manufacture. Vernier, Bulletin, vi. 181.


Fràulein Hartleben bas edited a second volume of letters and journals
of Champollion. They must always possess a great personal interest for
Egyptologists who have any désire by reading them to throw themselves