Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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of material for the topography of Egypt. It contains 299 texts, of which
245 are from the Bainer collection, and the rest from Paris. Nearly ail
are of the late Byzantine or Arahic period, and for the most part they are
short and fragmentary lists of naines. They belong to the Arsinoite,
Heracleopolite, and Hermopolite nomes, with a few from Memphis ; and,
being provided with indices, they will no doubt be of service as topo-
praphical material. Otherwise their interest is small. Beprodnotions of
the writing of ail the examples at Vienna are given by means of hand-

The new part of the Florence papyri,16 edited by Prof. Comparetti, is
devoted to the correspondence of Heroninus, of which samples hâve
already been published from papyri not only at Florence, but in London,
Cairo, and elsewhere (see no. 15 in the Eeport for 1907-8). The main
mass of the correspondence, however, is at Florence, and is no\v published
for the first time, with 20 facsiniiles. Heroninus was an officiai of minor
rank, and the main value of thèse papers aiïses from the fact of their
fonning a single connected group relating to a definite locality.

Dr. Schubart bas contiuued17 his publication of the papyri from
Alexandria, of the end of the first century B.c., which were found in the
mummy cartonnages from Abusir (see no. 5 of last year's Eeport). The
two parts published during the past year contain 31 documents of similar
cbaracter to their predecessors.

No new part of the Archiv fur rapjrusforsehung lias appeared during
the year under notice. A volume of papyri at Giessen lias been
published, but I have not yet been able to see ifc.

Dr. Milligan's Sélections from the Greck Papyri18 is intended " to bring
witbin the reach of those who are interested in the récent discoveries of
Greek Papyri in Egypt certain typical documents from the principal
collections." It contains 55 texts, with translations and elementary
notes, taken mainly from the volumes published by the Egypt Exploration
Fund and the British Muséum, but with additions from Berlin, Paris,
Chicago, Florence, and Heidelberg. The point of view adopted is mainly
that of a student of the New Testament, but the volume (being equipped
with a sufficiency of références to the literature of the subject) would be
useful to any beginner as an introduction to the study of the papyri. The
annotation is carefuily done, and the texts selected illustrate niany
(though not ail) of the various classes of documents to be found
among them.

Dr. Wessely, in addition to his large volume mentioncd above, lias also
published the texts of six ostraka 19 belonging to Prof. H. Junker, which