Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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" Cercueils des Cachettes royales." Dahessy. Cairo Muséum

Catalogue.......... XIX. 29.

" Chief Prophet of Ptah," an inscription at Kârlsrahe, giving the

Title to a certain Bahotp. Wiedemann. Sphinx, xiv. 35. . XIX. 30.
Coffin of Limestone from Tell • el Bob. Chabân. Annales du

Service, x. 28.........XIX. 29.

Contracfc, a bilingual, from Socnopaeus, of the 41st year of

Augustus. Beich. Sphinx, xiv. !.. . . . . XIX. 31.


Darius, the Temple of, at Khargéh, its restoration. . . . XIX. 19.
Darius picking papyrus flowers to offer to the God Min, on a relief

in the Temple of Hibis........XIX. 21.

Dcir el Bahari, the XIth Dynasty Temple of, Vol. IL E. E. Eund.

XXXth Memoir, 1910........XIX. 26.

Diméh, Papyri found at, by Dr. Zuckee. . . . . . XIX. 19.

Drah Abu'l-Negga, excavations at, by M. Gauthier. . . . XIX. 26.

Drowning, apotheosis by, in Egyptian documents. Geippith.

A.Z. xlvi. 132. -. . . . . . XIX. 38.

Dynasty XI ; a criticism of Meyer's reconstruction of, by Naville.

A.Z. xlvi. .82........ . . XIX. 32.

Edfu, le Marwneisi de, fasc. I. Chassinat. Mémoire de l'Inst
Franc, t. xvi. ......

Ehnâsiya el Medîna, excavations at.

„ ,, Papyri found at.

Elcphantine, excavations'at, by Honroth, Bubensohn

. XIX. 28.

. XIX. 11.

. XIX.' 11.

and Zuckee. XIX. 25.


Gamhût, excavations at the Ptolemaic cemetery of. . . XIX. 10.

,, Demotic papyrus cartonnages from. .... XIX. 10.

Gebelên, excavations at, by Prof. Schiapabelli. . . . XIX. 18.

Gcbel Maryam, Notes on the neighbourhood of. Clédat. Bec. de

Tram. tsxL 193......'. . . XIX. 28;

Graffiti from Wadys North of the Hammamat Boad. Geeen.

P.S.B.A. xxxi. 319. . . . . . XIX. 29.