Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Egypt Exploration Fund [Editor]
Archaeological report: comprising the work of the Egypt Exploration Fund and the progress of egyptology during the year ... — 1910-1911

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Gaselee, Stephen: Progress of Egyptology: christian Egypt
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Christian Egypt.


controversy, with especial regard to its bearings upon Papal Infallibility
is given not without satisfaction by G. Papamichael.

An article, based on not more than moderately accurate information,
upon the modern Copts and their Church organization has appeared in the
Internationale Wochcnschrift}*23,

The late Sir Eldon Gorst's remarks1*3 on the educational facilities
afforded to the Copts produced protests from the Copts of Girgeh, Assiout,
and Assuan. A comparatively fair statement of their general grievances
appeared in the Times,1** and a reply to their complaints formed part of
Sir E. Gorst's Annual Eeport. A rational account of the present position
in Egypt between Copt and Moslem appeared Uj in Blackwood, signed W.
The writer lays some stress on the ill-feeling that has come to the former
owing to his position as money-lender of the country, the latter
being forbidden any kind of usury by his religion. Another article,140 by
A. J. Butler, explains very clearly their position, and states the legitimate
complaints which they have against the present system of government in
Egypt. He elsewhereUT estimates their numbers as 1 in 15 of the
population, as against another writer's 1 in 60.

S. Gaselee.

P.S.—Since this article was in type, I hear of three important new
publications. Ciiassinat's long-promised Shenoute volume has appeared
in the Memoircs de VInst. franc. d'Archeol. Orientalc, Wessely has pub-
lished many New Testament and other texts in a new number of his
Studien zur Paldographie, and Hunt's Catalogue of the Eylands Library
Greek papyri is out. Of these I shall hope to give some account next year;
the last-named has been already noticed by Dr. Kenyon, supra, p. 49.


1 Vienna Ahad. Sitzungsb. clxiv (1911), G.
• Or. Lit. 7*it. xiv, 259.

3 Bull, de Plnst. franc, de VArch. Orient, viii, 43.

4 A Cojitic Palimpsest, Oxford, 1911.

5 The Coptic Versioyi of the N.T. in the Southern Dialect, Oxford, 1911.
c Bruchst. des ersten Clemensbriefes, Strasbnrg, 1910.

7 Oxyrhynchus Papyri, viii, 1073-1080, London, 1911.

8 Melanges . . . Chatelain, 224 Paris, 1910.
,J Revue Bibliquc, viii, 26 i.

10 Rev. Benedictine, xxviii, 61.

11 Nachr. Kon. Ges. zu Gottingen, 1911, 2, 167, 263.

12 Evangiles Apocryphes, i, Paris, 1911.