Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Papers of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens — 5.1886-1890

DOI article:
Earle, Mortimer Lamson: Supplementary report of the excavations [at the theatre of Sikyon]
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on the side opposite the dvd\r]p,p,a, both in this Trdpohos and in that

At the entrance of the n. w. irdpohos (L) also, we find a door-post
about 1.50 m. in height, cut out of the solid rock which here forms the
dvdX-r]fi/j.a, though the latter is constructed of masonry near the orches-
tra. From the door-post to the point where the dvakr^fifia of that side
meets the orchestra the distance is, roughly, 10.85 ni., or approximately
the same as at the s. e. 7rapoSo?. The very ruinous state of this irdpohoq
prevented the taking of further dimensions, except the breadth near
the entrance, 3.40 m. It may be said, however, that it seems doubtful
whether the dvd\rj/x/u,a here was ever of so handsome workmanship
as in the other parodos, which seems to have been the principal entrance
for the townspeople.

Between the s. e. -irdpohos and the square chamber (M), there are two
rock-cut ramps5 (Fand W) leading up from the rock-cut entrance-
way outside the -rrdpoSot;, one to the scene-structure of the Greek period,
the other to the Roman. The wall which separates them was stuccoed
on the side toward the trdpoho^. The inner ramp (F) is somewhat
lower than the other (perhaps as much as 0.20m.), and, in its present
condition at least, appears to have been more carefully finished. It
ends at the top of the rock in which it is cut, which here seems much
weatherworn. Its width is 1.80 m. at a point about 0.90 m. up from
the line of the sill of the irdpohoq; and 2.14 m. at a point some 5.50 m.
up toward the aKrjVj] from the same line, at which point the cutting
of the ramp, as now existing, ends. The highest part of this ramp
is at least 2 m. above the corresponding point of the irdpoZo<;.

The outer ramp (W) was apparently separated from the large s. B.
chamber (il/) by a wall, whether entirely of the native rock subse-
quently destroyed, or constructed in part of masonry, cannot now be
determined. It is certain that the native rock rises at least a little
higher than the ramp at this part, the width of the ridge of demarca-
tion being about 0.88 m. The width of the ramp itself is 1.30 m., and
that of the rock-cut wall separating it from the inner ramp, about 0.80 m.

On the other side of the <rK7)vrj the shattered condition of the rock
precludes study. The outer ramp (/) is well preserved, being deeply
cut in the solid rock. Its width is 1.55 m. at the entrance, and 1.45 m.

5 Perhaps to be designated as &vu> ndpoSoi? Cf. Muller, op. cit., p. 58. The thea-
tre at Epidauros had a ramp on each side.