Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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DIONYSUS iv Atuvais-

also was plainly devoted to the cult of the wine-god. In fact, the
most venerable traditions in Athens, with reference to Dionysus,
centre here. All the various representations here are connected
with the oldest legends. Pausanias (t. 3. 1.) says that the Cera-
micus had its very name from Ceramus, a son of Dionysus and

We have already seen that an orchestra was first established in
the agora. Timseus addsso that this was a conspicuous place where
were the statues of Harmodius and Aristogiton, which we know
to have stood in the agora.

The scholiast to the De Corona of DemosthenesS1 says that the
" hieron " of Calamites, an eponymous hero, was close to the Le-
nseum. Hesychius words this statement differently, sayingthat [the
statue of] the hero himself was near the Lenasum. We know that
the statues of eponymous heroes were set up in the agora. Here
again the new Aristotle manuscript comes to our support, telling
us (Pol. c. 3) that the nine archons did not occupy the same
building, but that the Basileus had the Bucoleum, near the Pry-
taneum, and that the meeting and marriage of the Basileus' wife
with Dionysus still took place there in his time. That the Buco-
leum must be on the agora, and that the marriage took place in
Limnpean-Lemiean territory, have long been accepted. The
location of the Limnse to the northwest of the Acropolis must
thus be considered as settled.

Dr. Dorpfeld maintains that the ancient orchestra and the later
Agrippeum theatre near by, mentioned by Philostratus,82 lay in
the depression between the Pnyx and the Hill of the Nymphs, but
considerably above the foot of the declivity.

From the passage of the Nccera quoted above we know that the
old orchestra could not have been in the sacred precinct of Diony-
sus Limimeus, for this was opened but once in every year, on the
12th of Anthesterion,83 while the Chytri and therefore 6 iirl
Avvaicp aycov were held on the following day. This involves too
that the Pithoit/ia as well as the " contests at the Lenaeum " could

80 Tim. Lex. Plat.

81 Demos. De Corona, 129, scholium.

82 Philostratus, VU. Soph.,-p. 247.

83 See also Thucydides above.