Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Barrows, Samuel J.
The isles and shrines of Greece — Boston, 1898

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u Glory of the Imperfect," 6.

Glyptothek at Munich, 345.

Goats, 172, 175, 23S-240.

God-parents, 193, 194.

Good Friday, 221, 222, 2S4.

Gorgoneion, 121.

Goths, invasion of, 181.

Graeco-Roman city at Troy, 360; vase
paintings, 149.

Gncco-Turkish War, 250, 320.

Grave monuments, 131, 132, 135, 226.

Great Britain, protectorate of, 19, 26*
45, 60, 74, 80.

Great Treasure, The, 359.

Greece, excursions in, 267 ; old and
new, 125, 162; sculptors in, 132;
shrines of, 93; Venetian hold in, 95.

Greek Academy, 15S; and Roman
churches, 215; anthology, 136, 232,
233; Archaeological Society, 251,
255, 256, 274 ; architecture, 101; art,
later, 120, symbols of, 120; banks,
170, 171; calendar, 29, 248, 259
260; church, 28, 52, 71, 164, 216-
221, 227, 311, 312; columns in
modern architecture, 157; deities,
temples to, 97; domestic life, 1S1 ;
engineers, 270; games, 2S2, 2S8
gods, 5 ; guns, bombardment by, 96;
idea, influence of, 103; inns, 48, 65,
322 ; language, paganism in, 204,
Christianity in, 204; liberty, 127;
literature, conception of death, 136;
love of nature in, 256 ; modern pro-
nunciation of, 164; money, varia-
tions in, 171; national victories, 254;
nationality, 126, 128 ; philosophy
in Christianity, 203; Punch and
Judy, 17S; schools, 279; spirit, 195;
stucco, 271; temples, orientation of,
101 ; theatre, formation of, 142, act-
ing in, 144, germinal idea of, 154,
origin of, 139, stage in, 143; virgin,
inspiration of, 104; wedding, 140;
wit, 232.
Grotesque in architecture, 2i2-2r4.
Grotto at Delphi, 299; of Apollo,

124, 348 ; of Pan, 124.
Gyaros, 349.
Gymnasts, 178.

Hadrian, 167; Arch of, 127, 227;
Aristides' apology to, 204; Stoa of,
Hahn's u Neugriechische Marchen,"

Haigh, Arthur E., theories of, 144-14S.
" Hail, Columbia," 237.
Hair-dressers, 168.
Hall of Bulls, 346, 347.
Hanai-Tepeh, 361.
Handel, funeral march, 136.
Harness-makers, 16S.
Harrison, Miss Jane, 208.
Havoc of earthquake, 76.
Hebrew religion, rise of, 94.
Hecla, earthquakes in, So.
Hegeso, monument to, 130.
HegoumcnoS) 309, 310, 311.
Helen, 345, 364, 365, 370.
Helene, 345.
Helicon, 302, 306.
Hellenic academy, 158; educators,

Hellenism among rich and poor, 195.
Hellenistic Greek, 163.
Hellenists, organized, 267.
Hellespont, 363.
Hephaestus, 362.
Hera, temple of, 289.
Heraxm, 279, 292, 293.
Hercules, 319.

Hermes, 135, 173, 261; of Praxiteles,
7, 18, 293; statues of, 117, 165;
Street, 167.
" Hermogenes, Little," 232.
Hermopolis, 346.
Herod with nimbus, 211.
Herodes Atticus, 164, 223, 269;

Odeion of, 104, 127, 154.
Herodotus, 351.
Heroic age, customs of, 191.
Hill, Rev. Dr., 234, 235,
Hippocrates Street, 167.
Hiram of Tyre, 277.
Hissarlik, ^7, 359. 361, 363> 37°-
History, 3, 5 ; and geography, 268.
Holidays, 30, 313.
Holiness in Greek religion, 206.
Holy Monday, Greek Church, 140;
Oriental Orthodox Catholic Apos-