Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Bertuch, Friedrich Justin; Bertuch, Carl
Bilderbuch für Kinder: enthaltend eine angenehme Sammlung von Thieren, Pflanzen, Früchten, Mineralien ... alle nach den besten Originalen gewählt, gestochen und mit einer ... den Verstandes-Kräften eines Kindes angemessenen Erklärung begleitet (Band 4) — Weimar, 1802

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Rofe. VU.

Vol. IV. No. 95.


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Fig. 1. The Punice - rofe.

(Rosa punicea.)

J- he Punice-rofe gives a greatembellifhment
to our gardens ; for its brillant red enlivens
the place where it is planted. The bufli grows
to the height of 6 or 8 feet; the leaves are of a
dark green colour and for the greateft partiïve-
lobed. The foliage is odoriferous, the wood
brown with yellow fpotted thorns. The flower
is fimple, pretty large, and confifts in 5 leaves
which having the form of hearts are on their
infide of a brillant red, while their outfide is
of a fulphur colour.

Ils fmcll is difagreeable and very much
like that of a punice , whence the name is

Fig. 2. The white Virgin-Rofe.

(Rosa truncata virginalis.)

This beautiful flower belongs to the ge-
nus of white rofes, of which it is a diftingnis-
hed variety. The bufh is weak and hardly 4.
feet high, the wood green, the leaves five
lobed with few thorns. The buds hâve the
form of a bail eut half through its middle.
The rofe when unfoldcd, is large very füll,
and of a brillant white. The discriminating
character of this rofe is its whole ftructure
inclining backwards, and a rofe coloured fpot
in its middle or rather towards one of the
fides, which lofes itself by degrees in,the
white colour giving the flower a moft délicate