Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Biedrońska-Słotowa, Beata
Crossroads of costume and textiles in Poland: papers from the International Conference of the ICOM Costume Committee at the National Museum in Cracow, September 28 - October 4, 2003 — Krakau, 2005

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Sandra L. Rosenbaum

promised its readers'.. .to report official
bulletins of the court and society, news
of events and performances at court, for-
eign and local news, [theatrical] open-
ings, sermons, songs and the latest fash-
ions worn at court by the nobility.'3 The
journal sustained sufficient readership to
be reprinted in England and The Neth-

The King's designer, Jean Berain made
drawings for some of the original indi-

Fig 4.

Jean Dieu de St. Jean, Noblewoman in Winter
Dress, 1683. It is not known why St. Jean re-
produced a plate that copies a five-year-old
gown. This will reąuire further research

Fig. 5.

H. Bonnart, The Dancing Master, ca. 1683-
1684. The dancing master is wearing a jacket
fashionable about 1684 when four vertical
pockets trimmed with braid and buttons
were a fashion essential, and certainly after
1683 when the king, and therefore the court,
adopted sober colours under the influence
of Mme de Maintenon, whom the king mar-
ried in 1683

vidual fashion illustrations that were is-
sued. Noble Lady in Winter Dress en-
graved by St. Jean and dated 1683 (Fig.
4), is actually a mirror-image copy of an
original one drawn by Berain in 1678. It
is used here as a historical document be-

3 Nevinson, J., The Mercury Gallant in European Fashion in the 1670's,p. 87 [in:] 'The
Connoisseur', November 1955, Vol. VCXXVI, No. 548, pp. 87-91.

4 Ibid. p. 91
