Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Birch, Samuel [Editor]
Facsimile of an Egyptian Hieratic papyrus of the reign of Ramses III, now in the British Museum: [bekannt unter dem Namen. Der große Papyrus Harris] — London, 1876

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■■■■■■ PLATE ΙΥ. MB

Line 1. built of carved stone, sandstone, and black stone, with, columns of gold and

metal, making its tower of stone visibly elevated1 on high,
Line 2. carved and engraved with the chisel, in the great name of thy Majesty I built

walls around it, liberally making it, having entrances2 and places for going

out of hard stone.
Line 3. I made a lake in front of it, full of water from heaven, planted with groves

in its meadows, like the lands of the north I filled its treasuries with the

products of the lands of Kami,3
Line 4. gold, silver, and all precious stones for hundreds of thousands, its granaries

had heaps of grain and corn fields, its numerous herds, they were like the

sands of the shore, I made tributary to it
Line 5. the lands of the South, as those of the North, the land of Khenta and Taha4

to it, bringing their work filled with captives which thou gavest me of

the Nine Bows, the youths I made them as tens of thousands.
Line 6. I chiselled thy statue placed in it Amen-Khnum-heh was its noble name,

embellished with real stones like the horizons, the crown was a joy to

Line 7. I made for it vases for the tables of best gold, and other things of silver and

metal5 without number. I made numerous divine offerings and sacrifices

before thee, of bread, wine and beer, fattened birds,
Line 8. young cattle, calves, numerous cattle, antelopes and goats, offered on its

altar.6 I drew large images like rocks of alabaster [and] carved stone,7
Ltne 9. making them life [like], attached to the right and left of its gate cut in the

great name of thy majesty for ever, other statues of red granite, sandstone,
Line 10. and figures8 of black stone were placed within it. I chiselled Ptah Socharis,

Nefer Turn, the circle of the gods lords of heaven and earth placed in its

chapel, worked in good gold
Line 11. and silver, made with ornaments9 of real precious stones excellently done. I

made to thee a noble palace of the king in it like the residence of Turn

which is above, the pillars,
Line 12. the plates of the doors of electrum,10 the great balcony11 crowned of good

gold. I made for it barks laden with grain and corn, to be rowed to


Line 1. its granaries without cessation, I made for it a storehouse, great boats on the
river laden and bearing numerous things to its noble treasury.

^lsk^lik'*2*" qaqa' anal°s°us t0 qa'

" tall."
*^ ^^ "| \\ en aaruOa, apparently an Ara-
maic word.
Northern Syria.
baa, either "metal " or "bronze."

3 ^=5^ xeprer. This word expresses either
a scarab or type.

I © ^-Äa 8χηη.

ι—ι lies.

>- mh, or - ärk, crown, "bands,"

Brugsch, Wort., s. 210.

A ^~^ ¥àv V uasmu or tamu, either elec-
tram or copper.

1 11 ^ ~\ set, " the covering upper place,"
perhaps roof or cornice. Cf. oc=\ l|
Lepsius, Denk. Ill, 282 a. Lepsius, Todt.
xxix, 78, 25.

Line 2.

Line 3.
Line 4.

Line 5.

Line 6.

Line 7.

Line 8.

Line 9.

Line 10.

It is surrounded with orchards, places of repose, and wood houses, loaded and

bearing fruit and flowers. I built the courts12 having places for
lights.13 I dug a tank before them, provided with lotus flowers.
I made for thee a secret horizon in the city of Uas,14 facing thy propylseum

[0] lord of the gods, the house of Rameses, ruler of An the living, as1'0 the

house of Amen placed in heaven, having the disk.
I have builded it, I laid it of carved stone, having great columns16 of fine gold.

I filled its treasury with the things my arms brought to offer
before thee in the course of the day, I made festive Southern Apet with great

statues. I builded for thee a temple in it like the seat of the " entire lord,"

the divine abode of " Rameses, ruler of An15 the living,
uniter of joys," in Apet.17 Again I made thy statues in Uas, having carved18

the peaceful seat of thy heart with thy face Ra-user-ma, beloved of Amen

the living, in the house of Amen,
like the shrine of "the entire lord," built of stone wonderful, fabricated

with work for ever and ever, the pillars in front of them of stone and

granite, doors
[and] bolts of gold, I supplied it with youths [whom] I made, having things

by hundreds of thousands.
I made for thee a secret shrine at the one side of good blocks of granite,

the doors at its face of bronze, fabricated and inscribed in the divine


Line 11. Thy image was placed in it, like Haremakhu set on its throne for ever and
ever in thy noble court.

Line 12. I made thee a great table of silver inlaid19 and plated with fine gold, the
figures are katmer,20 having the figure of the living lord of carved gold,
and the ornaments21 having the divine offerings laid before thee.


Line 1. I made for thee a great inner chamber for thy court, plated with fine gold,
with inlayings of stone for its gold vases, holding wine and beerj to be
served up before thee every morning.

Line 2. I made for thee store places for the festivals of " shewing the face," open,
with slaves male and female, I supplied them with bread and beer, oxen,
fowl, wine, incense, fruit, fodder, vegetables, for pure offerings before thee
in the course of the day, in addition to the daily supplies which were

12 Γ3 _> Π = ma or perma. Cf. Brugsch,
Wort., s. 563, 586-7. " Portal, Hof."

Wort., s. 1472. Select Pap., xr, 9, perhaps
"warmth." Eisenlohr reads "window panes."

14 Thebaid.

15 ïk m' "as," or the objective. The horizon

or solar abode was supposed to be in shape
or on the model of that in the heavens.

==> Q Isr" ^ Θαηίάα' Bmg8oh• Wo


s. 1579

Barneses Bek An xnum rasu, the name of the
temple in Karnak.

Next, perhaps "cut" or "inscribed."


%^J\ huta. Cf. Brugsch, Wort.,

p. 1021.

katmer, " jewels." Cf. \

supposed to be a kind of gold. Brugsch,
Wort., 1484.

I üb, " stand " or " ornament.'1

Line 3. I made thee noble pectoral plates of gold with inlayings,22 great collars fitted
with numerous inlayings23 to tie on at thy festivals, and at each of thy
celebrations in the great reserved24 place of Apet.
Line 4. I made thee an image of wrought gold of the [living] lord deposited in its

place in thy noble shrine.
Line 5. I made for thee great inscriptions of beaten gold cut in the name of thy

majesty having my adorations.
Line 6. I made for thee other inscriptions of beaten silver in the name of thy majesty

on the tablet of the temple.
Line 7. I made for thee great plates of beaten silver, cut in the name of thy majesty,
engraved with the chisel, having the rules and registers of the temples
which I made in Tamera25
during my reign on earth, to perpetuate thy name for ever and ever. Thou

art their guide responding face to face.
I made for thee other plates of beaten bronze, six-sided, of the colour of gold,
cut and engraved by the chisel in the great name of thy majesty, with lists
of the temples, also the
many praises and adorations I made to thy name ; thou wast pleased to hear

them, Ο lord of the gods !
I made thee a great beaker of pure silver ; its lip was of gold, cut in thy
name ; the cover upon it was beaten out of pure silver, [also] a great vase
of gold having covers and feet.
Line 12. I carved for thee figures of the goddess Mut and the god Khonsu ; the work
was newly executed in the place of gold made of good gold plated around
with inlayings26 of precious stone, making collars for Ptah before and behind,
Line 13. equipped with their pendants,27 their hearts were pleased on account of the
heroic deeds I did for them.

Line 8.

Line 9,

Line 10.

Line 11.


Line 1. I made for thee great tablets at thy treasury fixed with good gold with figures

of katmer28 [and] great borders, having coverings of plates of silver, to

touch the floor.
Line 2. I gave thee tens of hundreds of thousands of bushels of corn to supply thy

divine offerings, daily transported to TJas14 every year to fill thy granaries

with corn and barley.
Line 3. I brought thee captives of the Nine Bows29 and prisoners30 of the countries of

the foreigners for thy court. I made the road to Uas14 like a foot road

leading to thy presence, having numerous offerings.
Line 4. I added to thee festivals31 in the yearly festivals to offer before thee at each of

thy celebrations. They were prepared with bread, beer, cattle, geese, wine,

-' katmer, " jewels," vide supra.

28 katmer, vide supra.

29 The " Nine Bows " are Libyans.

_ ark or meh, perhaps "jewel." Of. pi. iv,
1. 10.

23 '—' M- katmer, perhaps a kind of gold.

Cf. pi. v, 1. 14.

24 tser or ser, an epithet applied to temples and

palaces. Eisenlohr reads " strong."

25 Northern Egypt.

26 ark, vide supra.

baruka, " to pray" or " sup-
plicate"; perhaps supplicants.

__α J . — ab, " festivals of offerings."