Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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ground, the other two white on a black ground ; on the
bottom of the foot two concentric circles, black on a red

1249. Deep two-handled cup. ccvi. 4*^ in. by 4-rRo in.
On each side a myrtle wreath, white on a black ground ;
above, a band lozengy, chequered black and red ; within each
of the black lozenges the outline of a lozenge drawn in white,
in the centre of which a white spot; on the bottom of the
foot three concentric circles, black on a red ground.

1250. -------------- ccvi. 4-yu in. by i^ in. On each side

a band lozengy, chequered black and red ; on each of the
black lozenges a white cross, on each of the red lozenges a
black cross; on the bottom of the foot two concentric circles,
black on a red ground. H.

D'Hancarville, in, PI. 91.

1251. ■------------- ccvi. 4*i'o in. by 4J in. On each side

a myrtle wreath, white on a black ground; above, three
parallel rows of palm branches; one row black on a red
ground, the other two white on a black ground ; on the
bottom of the foot three concentric circles, black on a red
ground. T.

1252.-------------ccvi. 4^ in. by 4*r% in- On each side

a myrtle wreath, the leaves red, the berries and stems white
on a black ground; below, a band of lozenges, alternately
black and red ; within each lozenge the outline of another
lozenge and a central spot drawn in white on the black, and
in black on the red ground ; on the bottom of the foot two
concentric circles, black on a red ground.

1253.--------------ccvi. 3-^u in. by o^ in. On each side

a myrtle wreath, red on a black ground; on the bottom of
the foot two concentric circles, black on a red ground.

1254. Deep two-handled cup surmounting a Persian
head. ccvn. 9T2o in. The face is bearded, and has been
painted red on a white ground ; the head is covered with a cap,
kidaris, which has a broad flap on the nape of the neck, and
two narrow flaps, one on each side of the forehead, which
are united under the chin ; the cap is bound with a diadem;
the cup surmounting the head is in the form of a modius
and is ornamented with a design, red on a black ground ;