Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Trial of Orestes by the Arei-
opagos, 829.

Tripod, contest for. See
Apollo, Herakles.

Triptolemos with Demeter,
796 ; in winged car with
Dimeter and Persephone,
728, 798*; in winged car
on column, C. 113, C 114;
at initiation of Herakles and
the Dioskuri, 1331.

Triton contending with He-
rakles, 451, 532, 535, 600,
646, 646*.

Troilos with Polyxena sur-
prised by Achilles, 450,
469, 474, 830, 1353; on
horseback, 597, 649; death
of, 473, 565.

Tyndareus taking leave of
Dioskuri, 584*, 827; at
departure of Kastdr for the
chase, 574, 579.

Tyrbas with Oragie, 813,
861, 863, 920, 977.

Victory. See Nike.

Victory, Dithyrambic, sa-
crifice in honour of, 755.

Ulysses, interview with
Achilles, 848 ; with Diome-
des, surprising Dolon, 652,
1435; at sacrifice of Po-
lyxena, 434; escaping from
cave of Polyphemos, 765;
passing Sirens, 785.

Wind Gods. See Boreas,

Winged male figure, 442.
See Perseus, female figure,

Zephyros with Boreas car-
rying off corpse of Mem-

non, 834; pursuing Hya-
kinthos (?), 1285.

Zeus, 461, 755?, 866?;
giving birth to Athene, 510,
544, 564, 741* ; in Gigan-
tomachia, 500, 557, 560,
758.; with Athene, 644,
866; with Athene and
Hermes, 573**; with
Apollo, Leto, and Artemis,
182; with Hebe, 811;
with Ganymedes,517,1436;
giving birth to Dionysos,
724; at birth of Erichtho-
nios, 749 ; at birth of Pan-
dora, 1265; in assemblage
of deities, 783; carrying
off Europa, 1261, C. 7;
receiving libation from Nike
Apteros, 722; visiting Alk-
mene, scene from comedy,
1438; with Athene, Her-
mes, and Herakles, 581 ;
at contest of Herakles with
Hippolyte, 624*; at con-
test of Herakles with Kyk-
nos, 475, 552; at contest
of Apollo and Herakles,
453; receiving Herakles in
Olympos, 807*; at rape of
Leukippidm, 1264; at mar-
riage of Thetis, 811*; at
Judgment of Paris, 513;
receiving Ares after contest
with Diomedes, 811; with
Thetis and Aurora, 810*;
chariot of, 567; altar of,
1429; throne of, 564, 581,
741*, 811.

Zeus Herkeios, altar of,
522, 607.