Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Walters, Henry Beauchamp; British Museum <London> [Hrsg.]
Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum (Band 2): Black-figured vases — London, 1893

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Farablemata, or cushions for defence of

ships, 60
Parameridia, or armour for the thighs, 48,

172, 176, 183, 193, 207, 208, 245, 310,

325, 380, 426, 623, 657
Ilapdo-cipos, 303-305

Paris, 171, 236, 312

Parochos in marriage-procession, 174, 485

Pasiades, potter, 668

PATROCLOS, 240, 6oiH; tomb of, 239, 543

Pedalia, or steering-oars, 60, 436, 679

Pegasos, 45, 62, 63, 6;, 71, 6oi36 ; with

Bellerophon, 105, 454 ; as device on

shield, 131, 132 ; allusion to, 329
Peirene, fountain of, 329
Pelagon (?), name of Greek warrior, 60113
Peleus, bringing Achilles to Cheiron, 77,

620; wrestling with Thetis, 215, 298,

349, 449, 465, 500, 540, 6i9j
Pelias, with Medea, 221, 328
Pelops, 2

Pelt a, 209, 315, 470, 626
Pentathlon, 48, 134, 326
Penthesilea, 209, 2to, 322, 323
Persephone, 26.1, 310, 425
Perseus, 16, 63, 155, 248, 281, 380, 471
Pessi, 193, 211, 438, 466, 501
Petraios, see Centaurs
Philonoe, 170

Phobos as charioteer of Ares, 364, 365
PH0L0S, see Centaurs and Heracles
Phorbeia, or mouth-piece, 41, 79, 377, 590,

Phrygian cap, 184, 246, 323, 591, 629, 630

Phrynos, artist, 424

Pigmy, 77, 214

PlTHOS, of Eurystheus, 161, 162, 213 ; of

Pholos, 226, 464, 536 ; also 377, 598
PLUTO, with Persephone, 261, 310, 425 ;

with Zeus and Poseidon, 425
POLYBOTES, 484, 526

Polydas, 37

POLYDEUKES, see Dioscuri

Polydoros, at Sacrifice of Polyxena, 70

Polydoros, 37, 75

Polyphas, 37

Polyphemos, 154, 502

Polyxena, 70, 153, 307, 324, 325, 542, 640

POLYZELOS, archon, B.C. 367, 603

Porpax of shield, 609, 611


POSEIDON, in Gigantomachia, 484, 526 ; at

combat of Heracles and Hera, 57 ; at
birth of Athene, 147 ; at apotheosis of
Heracles (?), 166 ; at contest of Heracles
and Antaios, 196 ; at nuptials of Zeus
and Hera, 197 ; with other deities, 191,
212, 228, 254, 262, 425

Potter at work, 432

Priam, 153, 6oo60; death of, 205, 241

Priapos, potter, 395

Priest consecrating statue, 628

Priestess of Athene, 80

Processions, of deities, 167, 212, 230;
marriage, 160, 174, 197, 257, 298, 339,
340, 381, 485, 647 ; sacrificial, 79, 80,
648 ; of warriors, 291, 380, 426 ; Pan-
athenaic, 80

Proegetes at marriage, 174, 339, 340, 647

Protesilaos (?) playing with pessi, 193, 438,
501 ; landing at Troy (?), 60, 508

Proteus, 201

Psoieas, artist, 6oo40

Purse of Hermes, 319

Pylades at Delphi (?), 641

Pyles kalos, 199

Pythocles kalos, 254

Pythodelos, archon, B.C. 336, 607, 608

Quadriga, of Achilles, 239, 326, 543 ; of
Ariadne, 179, 646 ; see also Zeus, Athene,
and Heracles

Quails, 57, 64

Rape of Persephone, 310

Return of Persephone, 261, 425

Rhesos, 234, 235

Rhipis, 425, 633

Rhodon, 330, 333, 339

Rhodopis, 329

Rhosias, horse's name, 199

Rocks, 229, 240, 324, 354, 355, 484,510,516,

525, 526,542,549, 556
Roof-tile, 96, 97, 597, 598

Sacrifice, to Athene, 80 ; to Hermes, 362,
627 ; of bull, 79, 80, 585 ; of Polyxena,
70; Heracles sacrificing (?), 473; see
also 3, 648

Saddle-cloths, ii61} ii62

Satyric Mask, 266 ; see also Devices on

Satyrs, 64, 71, 73, 79, io238, io310, m, 113,
114, 115-, "5s, "So, 126, 148, 149, 163,
168, 177-179, 181, 203, 204, 206, 208,