Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Walters, Henry Beauchamp; British Museum <London> [Editor]
Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum (Band 1,2): Cypriote, Italian, and Etruscan pottery — London, 1912

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rings, is a band of lattice-patterns alternating with (1) a long-necked bird with fish-tail (?),
(2) a fish, of which only the hind part remains ; on both are details in opaque white. On the
exterior, broad and narrow bands in lustrous red.

Fig. 256 = C 68>

Fig. 257 = C 6yo.

FRAGMENT OF SIMILAR BOWL. Length 41 in. From excavations at Hala Sultan
Tekke, Salt Lake, Larnaka, 189S. Buff clay ; red paint, turning to black on exterior. In the
interior, between broad bands, frieze of fish, of which one and the head of another are visible ;
they are much conventionalised and almost like birds (cf. the preceding) ; the bodies are in
outline, filled in with spots. On the exterior, two broad bands.

FRAGMENT OF VASE. 2I x 3 in. jrom excavations at Maroni, 1S97. Brownish-
buff slip ; dark brown paint. Above, four narrow lines and patch of scale-pattern ; in field,
rosette of dots.

FRAGMENT OF VASE. Length 1 $ in. From excavations at Hala Sultan Tekke,
Salt Lake, Larnaka, 1S9S. Buff ware ; black paint thinned out in parts. Bull (?) to I., in
outline, and part of another quadruped.

FRAGMENT. 2§ x 2$ in. From the temple of Aphrodite
at Old Paphos (Kouklia). Presented by the Committee of the Cyprus
Exploration Fund, 18S8. /.M.S., XVII., p. 73. Buff slip; dark
red-brown paint. Scale-pattern.

FRAGMENT OF VASE in form of ship (?). Ht. 4 in.
From excavations at Maroni, 1897; tomb 17. Buff slip; lustrous
dark brown paint. Four pieces joined. Apparently forms part
of the stern, with projecting uKpouruKiov ; on exterior, part of a
fish (?) and other patterns ; interior and underside of aKpoarokiov
painted over ; on the latter is incised a wavy line. Fig. 258 = c 6^.

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