Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Walters, Henry Beauchamp; British Museum <London> [Hrsg.]
Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum (Band 1,2): Cypriote, Italian, and Etruscan pottery — London, 1912

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(7) TYPE AS C973K

C 1040. JUG. Form 112. Ht. 12] in. From excavations at Poli. Pre-

sented by the Cyprus Exploration Fund, 1890.

Reddish-buff ware ; has been covered with thick white
slip like terracotta figures (cf. C 986), on which are designs in
crimson-red paint. Shape as C 973 ff. and Cyprus If us. Cat.
1313 ; ovoid body; handle with two ribs. Bands round top
and base of neck ; on shoulder, myrtle-wreath, mostly faded
away. Round the body, broad scroll between plain bands ;
ivy-wreath and two bands ; paint on foot, which is restored.
On the shoulder in front, figure of woman with jug, modelled
nearly in the round ; she stands with 1. leg bent, resting
r. hand on the jug, which forms a spout to the vase and has
red bands round it ; her 1. hand hangs by her side, and she
wears long chiton and himation over 1. shoulder.

Fig- 356 = C 1040.


(C 1041-1049).

C 1041. LEKYTHOS. Ht. 8J in. Tharros, Sardinia, 1856 (tomb 28). Repaired.

Type as C 902 from Cyprus (Form 105). Elongated egg-shaped body,
narrower at base than at top ; long narrow neck, swelling out in the middle,
round which a deep groove is cut, and wide overhanging mouth ; small handle.
Red clay ; black paint. On the lip, 4s ornament four times ; round the neck
three rings, and the same round upper part of body.

C 1042. LENTOID FLASK. Ht. 6| in. Tharros, Sardinia, 1S56 (tomb 8).

Cypriote type, as Form 101, but instead of handles two projections each
side (at top and bottom), each pierced with two string holes ; the edges arc
concave, moulded all round (cf. C 800) ; mouth in form of inverted cone. Light
red clay ; surface encrusted. On one face, two concentric rings in red (?) ; on
the other has been a light-coloured slip, on which a series of concentric circles is
painted in dull purple.

C 1043. LENTOID ASKOS. Ht. 2" in. Diam. 4! in. Tharros, Sardinia, 1856 (tomb 7).

In form of flattened spheroid, with loop-handle on one side, and small spout
nearly at right angles to it, the latter chipped. Low foot, in which is a large
orifice leading to a tube running up inside the vase nearly to the top. Reddish-
buff clay, unpolished, with dark purple paint. Round the upper part of the
body are bands of incised grooves ; on the top, a broad band enclosing two pairs
of concentric rings joined by pairs of radiating lines ; round the lower part,
two bands.