Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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3. Gilles Corrozet, Peril Incogneu (after A. Henkel, A. Schone, Emblemala. Handbuch zur Sinn-
bildkunst des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts, Stuttgart, 1967)

Both meanings of the słiip, the rcligious and the political one, had a timeless character and — as
indicated by emblematic evidencc there is ground for believing that 17tb century seascapes
evoked the same associations in artists and the public.

Most paintings that show a storm contain an image of the raging sea contrasted with that
of a tali firm rock. In Willem van Diesfs painting in the National Museum in Warsaw, ships
sail against billows and adverse winds. Those ships that have taken precautions and furled their
sails and lowered the yard will move slowly on but will reach port safely Effugit demissa pro-
cellas Picinelli wrote referring to Ovid's Effugit hybernas demessa antenna procellas, lataąue
plus parvis vela łimoris habent13. Those s^hips that have not furled their sails and especially the
one on the left-hand side of the painting are heading for their own undoing.

Le rocher cache soubz les undes,

Incogneu par les nautonniers,

Brise la Nef es eaux profondes,

Perissants icculx mariniers,

12. O, ship, new billows threaten to beat tbee out to sea again.
Beware! Hastę valiantly to reach the haven!

C. E. Bennet, Horace, The Odes and Epodes. London, Cambridge, 1960. The Locb Classical Library.
Among those to refer to Horace's text are: G. Corrozet in the emhlem La chosc publiąue in: Hecatomgraphie..., Paris,
1543, cf. Henkel, Schone, op. :it., col. 1453; J. de Boria in the emhlem Forlilcr oceupa Parłam in: Empresas Morales....
Prague, 1581, cf. Henkel, Schone, op. cit., col. 1458—69; commentary on Aleiati's quoted emblem Spes proxima in:
Omnia Andrcae Alciati v.c. Emblemala cum commentariis..., Parisiis, 1618; F. Picinelli in the emblem Dubium tentat iter.

13. F. Picinelli, Mondo Simbolico, op. cii., lib. XX, capo VII: Nave, No. 47 after: Ovid, Trislia, book III, elegy 4.

The lowered yard avoids winter storms

and hroad sails cause more fear than smali ones.
