Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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10. Jan van Goyen, Sea and Fishermen, Budapest, Szepmiiveszeti Muzeum (after K. Garas,
Malarstwo w Muźeum Sztuk Pięknych w Budapeszcie, Warszawa—Budapeszt, 1975)

approached by a ship in the emblem Luceat lux vestra coram hominibus (May your light shine
to the people), as a symbol of Christ indicating the way to the people37. A lighthouse, whose
light seen from a distance guides the sailor and helps him ovcrcome the difficulties on his way
to port, has become a symbol of hope, of „discernible though unaccessible reality. It has finally
become a symbol of Christ"38. A lighthouse (as the one in Cat's emblem and van Goyen's drawing)
accompanies the figurę of Christ in the painting by the Flemish master Adriaen Yerdoel that
reveals what is meaningfull and what is designated in this direct association.

Netherlandish books of love emblems, that originated primarily in the short period between
1606 and 1620, also used symbols Hnked with the sea, ships and sailing39. The emblems that

37. J. Cats,,,Emblemata moralia et oeconomica", Rotterdam, 1627 in: Proteus ofte Minnc-beeldcn Verandert in Sinne-beelden*
[lst ed. Middelburg, 1618]; cf. Henkel, Schónc, op. cif., cols. 1483—84 (translated from the German version of the sub-

Friends, among things worthy of praise Let your fire be as bright

There is also man's concera As your Christ in the world,

For the fire to be lit on the beach Who to the little and gTeat alike

To show where land is: Rcvcals himself in need:

Ali those who discern it from the sea, Ali can find herc

Those sailing at night also Deliverance from having gone astray

Direct their ships to port. And follow the light

Of lore and life to heaven.

38. E. Urech, op. cit., the entry: phare.

39. Among other works to appear in that period werc: Emblematu Amatoria by D. Heinsius, Leyden, 1606; Amorum Emblemata
by O. Vaenius, Antwerp, 1608; Thronus Cupidinis sive Emblemata Ajnatoria, Amsterdam, 1618. They were published
several times in the course of the fourteen years. For instance, Heinsius'work was issued five times.
