Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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14. T/ie Inner Connection of Things, in: J. Sambucus, Emblemata, 1564

For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubbleCG.

It was also believed in modern times that the owi could cure epilepsy. In J. Sambucus' emblem
sympathia rerum (The Inner Conection of Things) (fig. 14), we read:

Et subitam Bubo contra Epilepsin adest;

Haec ąuandi infantes teneros infestat acerba,

Tractatus manibus concipit Ule malum:

In sese occultum ac deriuans usąue venenum.

Corruit, et reluti fert miseratus opem.

Hoc nempe alterius flecti, succurrere damno est,

Optatum sine spe praesidiumąue venilm.
Hence, the owi was often depicted in decorations of medical vcssels orbarelli and majolica
plates of the 15th and 16th centuries68. It also features in representations of surgical operations,
notably, in David Teniers's works (paintings in Prado, Budapest and in Kassel) It would be
difficult to say, however, why the owi was associated with images of surgical treatment.

66. W. Shakespeare, Macbeth, (IV, i).

67. J. Sambucus, Emblemata, p. 201:

...As regards the.owi, it helps cure epilepticfits. When tliis cruel disease attacks little children, the owi — whcn handled
(by the sick) — takes the mysterious disaster upon itself and, by continually removing the poison, renders help as if
prompted by compassion. This is what being moved by another's suffering and hasting to his aid means. The longed-for
support comes, though you have lost all hope.

68. H. Schwarz, V. Plagemann, op. cii., p. 283.
