Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Bulletin du Musée National de Varsovie — 40.1999

DOI Heft:
Nr. 1
DOI Artikel:
Rottermund, Andrzej: Stanisław Lorentz as an authority on Polish art of the enlightenment
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4. A section devoted to
the architectural

of King Stanisław August
at the anniversary

Art in Warsa w from
Middle Ages
to the 20lh Century
atthe National Museum
in Warsaw, May 1962

scholarly literaturę devoted to the European culture of the Enlightenment
epoch. It should be recalled that this Italian work likewise revealed the
collections and artistic activity of many Poles who embarked on le grand tour.

Lorentz himself devoted much research to the personality and activity of the
previously mentioned Stanisław Kostka Potocki. I have already referred to the
significance of Natolin, but it was only the first of a series of scholarly initiatives
devoted to Potocki.16 The owner of Natolin and Wilanów received major
attention in Lorentz’s exhibition and academic conference Kołłątaj and the
Century of the Enlightenment respectivly. It was likewise under Lorentz’s
initiative that an academic conference was organized in May 1953, in honour
of the 150th anniversary of the presentation by Stanisław PotockPs dissertation
On Ancient Art at the Warsaw Society of Arts and Sciences. Lorentz twice morę
returned to Potocki, initiating important academic conferences at the Museum
at Wilanów. At his mstigation Elżbieta Skierkowska undertook research on the
collection of art books in PotockPs library. In short, enough works emerged
to create the basis for a monograph on Potocki.17 It is also worth mentioning
Lorentz’s comprehensive work on the ąuestion of patronage in Poland during
the second half of the eighteenth century, published in French and thus
certainly little-known to Polish readers.18

16 “Działalność Stanisława Kostki Potockiego w dziedzinie architektury”, Rocznik Historii
Sztuki, I, Wrocław 1976.

1 “Conference on the 150th Anniversary of the Death of Stanisław Kostka Potockiego (1821-1971).
Wilanów, December 13, 1971”, Biuletyn Historii Sztuki, XXXIV, 1972, 2.

18 “Mecenat et vie artistiąue en Pologne au XVIII siecle”, Annales, Economies, Societes.
CiviIisations, 1960, 1.
