Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Bulletin du Musée National de Varsovie — 40.1999

DOI Heft:
Nr. 1
DOI Artikel:
Załęski, Krzysztof: Stanisław Lorentz as the creator of the "Modern" National Museum
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8. Staff of the
Department of Culture
and Education
during the Nazi
Stanisław Lorentz sits
fourth from the left

Lorentz also worked closely with the Department of Liąuidation and the
Leadership of Civil Combat, headed by Stefan Korboński.5 * * *

Director Lorentz’s desire to carry out scholarly work at the Museum, even
during those tragic years of the war, cannot be overemphasised. He himself,
using the economic archives of Wilanów as well as other archival documents,
prepared an outstanding work on Polish Enlightenment art, Natolin, accepted
by the underground University of Warsaw in 1943 as his habilitation, and
prepared for publication in 1948. Designated by Prof. Batowski as his successor
in the Department of Art History, he began his academic career in 1945 as
associate professor, in 1947 as extraordinary professor, and in 1954 as fuli
professor of art history.

The diary kept by the Director during the Warsaw Uprising is an extraordinary
document, a chronicie written with the determination to struggle to rescue
whatever could be salvaged when the armed divisions stationed in the Museum
were plundering, destroying, or carrying off lts holdings. After the Uprising,

5 Stefan Korboński, pseudonym Nowak, Zieliński (1901-1989), lawyer, politician, leader of the
peoples’ movement, participant in the defence of Lwów in 1918 and the third uprising in Silesia
in 1921. A member of the Main Political Council in 1939-40; Member of the Poltical Understanding
Committee, 1940-41; representative for civilian combat of the Main Command of the Union for
Armed Struggle (1941-42); delegate of the Polish Home Government (1942-43); director of the

Social Resistance in the Leadership of Underground Combat (1943-44); vice-chairman from 1943
of the Social Anticommunist Committee; director of the Department of Internal Affairs in the Home
Government (1944-45). Delegate to the Sejm from the PSL (Polish People’s Organisation) in 1947;

threatened with arrest, he fled abroad and settled in the U.S. For many years the chairman of ACEN,

the Assembly of Occupied European Nations. Author of many books.
