Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Bulletin du Musée National de Varsovie — 40.1999

DOI issue:
Nr. 1
DOI article:
Załęski, Krzysztof: Stanisław Lorentz as the creator of the "Modern" National Museum
DOI Page / Citation link: 
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organisation which assisted in the reconstruction and reorganisation of museums
was the Association of Art Historians, which worked closely and actively with
museums, organising travelling exhibitions and “museum-bus” exhibitions.

The National MuseunTs continuing growth was marked by the opening of
further departments and galleries. In 1959 the regional Museum in Łowicz
opened hs ethnographic exhibitions. In 1963 the Gallery of Polish Portraits was
established in the Pałace at Wilanów, exhibiting portraits dating from the 16rh
to the 19th centuries, intended as a scholarly and educational gallery similar to
the National Portrait Gallery in London. In 1965 the Xawery Dunikowski10
Museum opened in the reconstructed Królikarnia pałace.11 In 1968 the

10 Xawery Dunikowski (1875-1964) was Poland’s greatest 20th century sculptor. During the
war he was a prisoner at Auschwitz. A professor at the academies in Warsaw and Cracow, he was
also a painter. He left his works to the State.

11 A classicist pałace modelled on the Villa Rotonda by Palladio, erected in 1782-89 by
Domenico Merlini for the theater entrepreneur Karol Tomatis de Valery; the kitchen building is
in the form of the Roman Tomb of Cecilia Metella.

12. Visitors at the
exhibition Treasures of
National Culture
Remered from Ottawa,
