Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Bulletin du Musée National de Varsovie — 40.1999

DOI Heft:
Nr. 1
DOI Artikel:
Załęski, Krzysztof: Stanisław Lorentz as the creator of the "Modern" National Museum
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Royal Castle in Warsaw (1971), mounted to celebrate the decision to rebuild
the Castle, a proposal which had been blocked for years for political reasons;
and The Era ofthe Commission for National Educadon at its 20ffb Anniversary
(1973). The most significant exhibitions mounted abroad were: Mostra di
Bernardo Bellotto 1720-1780, Alessandro Gierymski 1850-1901, Venice 1955;
Tresors d’artpolonais, chefs d’oeuvres des musees de Pologne, Bordeaux 1961;
Treasures from Poland, Chicago, Philadelphia, Ottawa 1966-67; Rlille ans
d’art en Pologne, Paris 1969; One Thousand Years of Art in Poland, London
1970; Kunst in Polen von der Gotik bis Heute, Zurich 1974; Polonia: arte e
cultura del medioevo alPilluminismo, Romę 1975.

Lorentz should also be remembered for his work in several articles devoted
to the history of the National Museum from its origins in 1862. The first,
entitled “The National Museum in Warsaw. A Historical Survey”, based on
archival materials appeared in the first volume of Rocznik Muzeum
Narodowego in 1938. Further articles appeared in subseąuent issues of
Rocznik, which resumed publication in 1957. Lorentz also published A Guide

15. The World of
Franklin and Jefferson,
the exhibition
celebrating bicentennia!
anniversary of the
United States of America
at the National Museum
in Warsaw,

May 17 - July 9,1975.
Standing from the left:
curator of the exhibition
Prof. John L. Brown,
Aleksandra Pliszczyńska,
cultural attache of
American embassy in

Robert R. Gosende,

Ray Eams,

Charles Eams,

Prof. Stanisław Lorentz,
curator of the Polish part
of the exhibition
Dr Krystyna Sroczyńska,
Zofia Nowak,

Krzysztof Zafęski.


Jeamine Opperwall,
Elżbieta Charazińska,
Barbara Diamond
(Jehane Burns?), and
Richard Donges
