Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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ivitbin tbe prescribed time, but, I Relieve, in ever^ respect ver^
superior in quality and quantity to brst promises and earl^ samples.
80 in "InL O^iiLvu^n ^^iicruiins/'—a norb produced at
great expense,—attended nitb man^ anxieties and rebuffs to tbe
autbor,—and exeeuted at considerable loss to tlie partners—m^ faitb
and credit are, I liope, unimpeaelied. ^Vitb tbe improved talents ot
tlie Messrs. i^e and m^ onn sincere devotion to tlie subject, I
eannot doubt lint some of its future parts nib exceed eitlier ot tlie
t'ormer. b^be execution of tlie volume, non tinislied, tbougb more
tlian usually tedious, lias not liad less of m^ solicitude and devotion
tlian otliers:—liut its subjects are ver^ numerous and mucli diversified
—tlie task of selection and condensation lias lieen more difficult—tbe
anxiety to produce nen and decisive evidence—to obtain fresli and
unexplored documents, or proofs—to reconcile contradictions, and
substitute facts in tlie place of theories, all combined to render tlie
mind duliious, and tlie execution slon. Ibe volume is, bonever,
at lengtb completed, and constitutes an epocli in m^ life of some
exultation and pleasure, liut mixed nitb painful reflections, ^.t its
commencement I promised more tlian lias been, or ever could de
well performed ; and liave consequently given umbrage to some persons
nbom I nould gladly liave secured as friends. I liave, bonever,
deceived myself mucli more tlian otliers; for in order to propitiate
tlie good opinion of tliose nbose esteem is nortbv of acquisition—to
do permanent credit to mvself, and to secure for tliis volume a cba-
racter tliat nib lie enlianeed b^ minute scrutiny and careful analysis
—I liave encountered great expense and labour, mucb beyond all former
anticipation and former experience. ^tnare tbat "b'lin
bas attained unexampled popularity and
credit; tbat it bas excited botb rivalry and enmity; and tbat tbis
supplementary volume, nbicb aims at more science, system, and
originality, tban tbe preceding portion of tbe norb, nould be sub-
jected to ever^ trying ordeal of criticism, I bave moved tbrougb its