Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Wor^ox, 1624; attributes tbe invention
ok pointed ^rcbitecture to tbe Ootbs, or
Bombards, 34. 35.
6. O/rrouoZoAra /dre^rZeckourca, W8. about 1656,
b^ donx ^nnLLX, publisbed in 1762 ; ^rsZ
aZZem^-Z at an arrangement ok 8t^1es, Dates,
Lc. ok Ecclesiastical ^Vrcbitecture, 34.
7. ^ceounZ 0/° ^Irc^r'ZeeZs, b^ donx XvLi.xx,
1697; calls tbe pointed 8t^1e, Ootbic, krom
tbe Ootbs, 26. 35.
8. Dare/rZaZr'er (1750), b^ 8ia Oiiuis'roi'ULN
WuLX, wbo died in 1723; supposes tbe
8araeens invented tbe pointed 8t^le, wbicb
be calls ^uraceur'e, 26. 43.
9. Dsscrr/ r-r ^Ire^ceoZoAra, vol. i. and ZZrnerarirE
Our'rosuM, 1724, 1726, b^ Dn. W. 8'ruxL-
LLV, 1755; sa^s tbe pointed ^rcbitecture
was brougbt originally krorn Arabia; and
tbe 8t^le sbould be called tbe
^Zoiruer.'—tbat tbis Arabian ^rcbitecture
and slender pillars are taken krom tbe groves
sacred to religion, " tbose verdant catbedrals
ok antic^uit^;"—sa^s pointed Grebes, Lc.
came krom prance to Dngland, 48.
10. ZeZZer Zo Dr. IPHarZon, b^ Inovr^s On^v,
wbo died in 1771 ; opposes tbe opinion tbat
tbe pointed 8t^1e came krom tbe past, 61.
11. OAseroaZrous ou ^ouZ/troe/Z O^urc^, N8. b^
O^LiLS pssirx, wbo died in 1784; states tbe
Ootbic ^rcbiteets were led to tbe use ok tbe
pointed ^rcb b^ " tbe practice ok vaulting
upon bows, and sometimes covering witb
sucb vaults irregular spaces," 63. 65.
12. /Votes to Dole's ZlZo?'crZ Dsscrr/s, b^ Lisnon
W^nnuu.'rox, 1760. pbe Ootbs, " b^ tbe
assistance ok 8aracen ^VrcbiteetSi struck out
a new species ok -Irebiteeture, wbicb can
alone be trul^ called tbe Oot/rrc »§Zr/Ze,"—
originated krom arcades kormed b^ tbe brancbes
ok trees, 49.
13. OrnomLmts o/ O^urcZres co-rsrcZereeZ, b^ Du.
IriOLl^s Wn.sox, 176l; ascribes tbe origin
ok pointed ^Ircbiteeture to tbe Zlge ok pbeo-
doric, X. ok tbe Ostrogotbs, 36.
14. O^seroaZrous o-r Heuser's Darrr/ tzuee-r, b^
1no>i^8 W^nrox, 1763; iirst public writer
tbat publisbed a Obronological Arrangement

ok pointed ^Vrcbitecture, wbicb be calls On-
line, and dates its commencement about
1200, 27, Lc.
15. better to Dur^e, b^ d^Mirs 1768,
publisbed in bis Works, 2 vols. 4to. 1809;
considered tbe pointed 8t^1e as a debased
imitation ok tbe Orecian orders, 41.
16. better to t^e Deo. IP. OoZe, b^ D. W^ukOLL,
1769; tbinks 8brines kor Belies were tbe
real prototypes ok tbe pointed 8t)Ie, 63.
17. Dr'sZor?/ o/ DZr/, b^ tbe Bev. 9. L^x-rn^A,
1771; derives tbe origin ok pointed Grebes
krom tbe intersection ok semi circles in tbe
" earl^ blorman and 8axon Buildings;" con-
siders it as uncertain " wben tbe^ were in-
vented, or wbere lirst taken notice ok," 52.
18. Dr'sZorr/ o/'ZZaZrau ZiZercrZure, b^ O.
Roscm, 1771; supposed tbat a kind ok
-Ircbitecture alluded to b^ Oassiodorus ma^
bave resembled tbe pointed 8t^le, 36.
19. ^nZi^-uiZres o/ DuAZaucZ, H-c. b^ Bn^xeis
OnosL, 1773, narrates tbe opinions ok Wren
and otbers, witbout deciding on tbem, 32.
20. Dorota ^i-rAeZ Z/'r/uTru-r, H-c. b^ do8L?n
8anv7"i', 1775. Ibe pointed 8t^1e was
probably " brougbt krom abroad b^ tbe
Xnigbts wbo attended tbe Dol^ W^ars," 51.
21. Drruer/)Zes o/ Or'viZ ^lrc^iZecZure, b^ an ano-
nymous Italian Writer; approves Lisbop
Warburton's b^potbesis, and distinguisbes
Obristian Oburcb ^Vrcbitecture b^ tbe terms
DoZr'ccr ^nZicu, and DoZr'c« MocZerna, 50.
22. paper in ^rc^EoZo^/cr, vol. ix. b^ OovLkxon
powx^i.1.. pointed 8t^Ie arose " among
tbe l^ortbern Nations, b)' applying tbe mo-
dels and proportions ok timber krame-work
to buildings in stone," 51.
23. Dsscr?/ in DrausocZrous o/ Z^e Dor/aZ Drs^
^lc«cZeM?/,vo1. iii. b)^Dn. W^vrurkw ^ouxu,
1790. pointed Grebes propabl^ adopted
in buildings, witb ver^ bigb rooks, on ac-
count ok tbeir superior strengtb, 67.
24. Discourse ^re/ra'ecZ Zo DZcr?rs, <?s6. o/ Z^e
OZrurcZi o/' LaZoZ/rcr, b^ dn»L8 lVIunkiiv,
1795; calls tbe pointed 8t^le " a system
kounded on tbe principle ok tbe pyramid:"—
uncertain b^ wbom it was invented, 70.