Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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^kk/iXOLV -ro LXLIiikbirV "VNL 8V66L88IVL V^1'L8 /ixo 8"rvi.L8 ox 'tNL ii.LSkLOT'IVL LvixiOLS.
libs LaZruved I'lri.L l?X6L8, numb ere 6 78 and 79, to bo placed at tbs bexinninZ ok tbs Volume.",

specimens ok Anglo-Momsn and Anglo-Kaxon Architecture.

1. Doman Vail Lt ^er'cesler, D. and V. sides,
Domanie ^lrekes, Ac. in Kt. ^rc^o/crs 0^.
Doman Oatewa^ at ^r'/rco^-r,' L large and
small arekwazi,
Dostern lower witk Domanie ^lreires Lt
Doman Vail, witk lower, Le. ^re^5oror<A^.
2. Dnixwon.'rn On. : — Dian, Dlevation ok
N. side, and Details, skewing Domanie
Riekes, Le. ^lke tower is sitewn in

Dlate ok lowers, Nos. 86, 86; and one
ok Ike Tlrekes ok tke nave is given in
Dlate ok Tlrekes, Nos. 81, 82.^
3. D^nn's-L/iN'rox On.:—View ok tire lower.
4. Ditto :—Details ok /lrekes, and Dillars. ^lke
Doorway to tke Okurek is ok later date.^
6. D^niox-nxox-DnMnxn:—View ok tke
lower, and Details, witk parts kroin Lar-
neek lower.
6. D/is^ixsn^xr On.:—View ok tke Or^pt.
^Dlan in Dlate ok Dians, No. 80.^

Anglo-Norman, Circular Ktyle.

7. View ok tke Orr/pt, at 8?. Dx'rLn's in Ike
Dast, Oxford. ^Dlan ok ditto in No. 80.^
8. Ixxi.Lx On. :—Dian, witli Dians ok Darts.
9. Ditto:—Vest Dront and Dian.
10. Ditto:—Vestern Doorway.
11. Ditto:—8outkern Doorway.
12. Ditto: — 8enlptnred Oapitals.
13. Ditto:—Views ok tlie Oli. krorn 8. V. and N.D.
14. O^8ri.L Disixn :—Vest Dnd ok tlie Ok.
16. O^si'on On.:—View ok tlie lower.
16. lliviseoL On.:—Doorway, witli Nieke and
17. ^lneient Doorways, kroin 8kakle6t Ok., Dan-
korongk Ok., Deterkorougk Oloisters, and
^vel>ur)r Oli.

18. Doorways to Ini"ri.L 8xonixn On. and
8017^11 Vx^i.v On.
19. 8^. Daren's On. Non'rn^mi-'rox:—lower
and Details.
20. Ditto: Interior View ok tlie Ok.
21. Ditto:—Nine Oapitals, Le. ^lke Oround
Dian is given in tke Dlate ok Dians, No.
22. 8i'LVXixn On.: —Dieven ok one Oompart-
inent, Interior and Dxterior.
23. Ditto: — Dians, Details, Vindows, Door,
Oapitals, Le.
24. Ditto:—Digkt Oapitals and a Lass.
26. Vixw.41. Donsx:—View and Dians.

Interlaced and First Nibision ok Pointed Ktxle.

26. 8peeimens ok 8ix Dox^s at Vinekester,
Dast Neon, Oanterkur^, Oastie Dising,
lullington, and Ovington.
27. 8p6eilnen8 ok IxiLNb/ieixs ^lnenLS, krorn
Vlalmeskni^ ^k. Ok., Norwiek Oatk.,
8t. dokn's Ok. Devices, Venloek Drior^
Okapter Dense, and Ok. ok 8t. Augustine,
28. 8-r. Onoss On.:—Dlevation ok tke D. Dnd.
29. Ditto:—8eetion ok ditto, witk Dian.

30. 8t. Oross Ok.:—DIevation ok Vindow, Dx-
terior and Interior, and Dians.
31. Ditto:—View ok tke Interior kroin 8, /lisle,
looking N. D.
32. Ditto:—View ok tke Nave and Visies.
33. N^nMxssnnv On.:—DIevation ok tke
great /lrek to 8. Dorok.
34. Ditto:—One Division ok Nave, and Darts at
35. DoinsLX On.:—lwo Oompartments, Interior,
8. side ok Nave.