Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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ox 1NL cnuncn NLNNV VIII.


gesting tbe expedient of consulting tbe various Universities on tbe validity of tbe
king's brst marriage.
Vbe oatbs of tlie bisbops to tbe pope were now discovered to be inconsistent
vvitii tbeir allegiance to tbe crown, Vbe king's divorce was pronounced b^ tlie
Lnglisb convocation under Lranmer, and tlie total abolition of tlie papal power in
England speedily followed, tlie king being declared, b^ several statutes, supreme
bead on eartb of tbe Lnglisb ebureb.
'VVolse^ bad entertained tbe intention of reforming tbe monasteries, and bad
actually suppressed a number of inferior ones, and endowed bis colleges of Oxford
and Ipswicb witb tbeir lands. Upon tbe abolition of tbe papal power, tbe king
commanded visitations to be made to tbe religious bouses, to obtain reports re-
specting tbeir condition and revenues. In consequence of tbis, tbree bundred
and seventh monasteries, wbose revenues did not amount to ^200 a ^ear eaeb,
were suppressed, and tbeir rents, Ac. appropriated to tbe king. Otber bouses
were, voluntarily surrendered to tbe crown, and in 1539 an act of parliament
passed for tbe general suppression of tbese bouses. Lome new bisboprics were
founded and endowed out of tbeir revenues. 3ibe Libis was translated, and an
exposition of faitb publisbed b^ tbe bisbops; but tbrougbout tbe reign of
Henr^ VIII. power and pre-eminence seem to bave been more eagerly sougbt b^
tbe contending parties tban trutb or religion.
In tbe succeeding reign of Ldward VI. tbe puribeation of tbe doctrines and
ceremonies ok tbe ebureb proceeded rapidly. Ikbe marriages of tbe clergy were
ratibed. Lut tbe progress of tbese blessings was interrupted and nearly prevented
b^ tbe furious real of tbe papist l)ueen, Vtar/. kinder tbe auspices of ber glorious
successor, Llirabetb, tbe doctrines and ceremonies of tbe Lstablisbed Obureb were
bappil^ brougbt to tbat pure and excellent state in wbieb tbe^ bave been tbe con-
solation of several generations, and in wbieb it is boped tbe^ will descend un-
blemisbed to tbe latest posterity.