Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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tbe otbers by debnite marks and forms. ^t tbe end of tbe volume will be given a
table of stales and dates witb reference to popular examples.
In tbe ensuing review we sball bnd a variety of opinions, witli some ingenious
as well as wliimsical tlieories; some learned, some eeeentrie, some enrious, witli
otliers discreet and discriminating. ^Vs so mueli bas been written on tbe subject,
we may justly infer tbat it is wortby of investigation and developement; as opinions
are so mueb at variance, we may be sure tbat some must be very remote from fact;
and wbere so mueb inference bas been made witbout autbentie data, we bave a
rigbt to question all. In tbe present age we are enabled to appreciate tbe subject
mueb better tban wben 8ir Obristopber ^ren lived or Bentbam wrote, Bbe time
in wbieb we live is also more fastidious and sceptical tban tbat of Obarles tbe
8econd, or Oeorge tbe 8eeond.
8ince tbe writings of ^Vren and Bentbam, many autbors bave investigated, and
artists bave delineated tbe ancient sacred architecture of tbe country. Besides
many interesting works by private individuals, we bnd tbat tbe 8oeiety of Anti-
quaries of Bondon bave expended several tbousands of pounds in publisbing
accounts and illustrations of some of tbe Bnglisb eatbedrals. Hence almost every
variety, and nearly every style or feature of building, bas been described and
delineated, and we are tbus furnisbed witb a mass of materials for analysis, com-
parison, and elucidation. Brom all tbese, as well as from a personal examination
of buildings in almost every counts of Bngland, tbe following accounts bave been
derived and inferences made.
Bbe present chapter will be devoted partly to a statement of tbe names or terms
by wbicb ^xchr'iec^M'6 bas been distinguisbed, or ratber eontra-
distinguisbed from tbe classical orders: and to a concise review of tbe opinions
and, tbeories of various writers on tbe origin, Ac. of tbe pointed style of
In scientibe, and indeed in all literary works, it is of importance to bave a cor-
rect and speeibe nomenclature by wbicb tbe writer's meaning and opinions may be
clearly understood, and language hereby rendered tbe vebicle of fact. Bbe
subject now under consideration bas been involved in mystery and confusion from
tbe want of tbis nomenclature. Almost every autbor bas varied bis term in speak-
ing of tbe same subject; and benee, witbout explanation, tbe writer's meaning
cannot be understood. Vfe sball soon perceive tbe perplexity arising out of tbis