Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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1LLl?I.L8 ox UtL LKH0N8.


ok tbe Boman8? ^.n idea os tbe general form and mode os con8truetion os tbe
bou868 os tbe Briton, 9.8 de8eribed b^ 8trabo, ma^ be obtained from 9. view os tbe
bgure8 on tbe Antonine column, engraving8 os wbieb are given b^ Nontkaueon?
Os tbe Nilitar^ 8trueture8 os tbe Briton mueb could be 89.16, were it not
foreign to tbe de8ign os tbe prnent volume. Ose8ar repr68ent tbe camp ok
O9.88IV6I9.N 98 9. kind os kortibed wood and Ibeitn, in lii8 de8eription os tbe camp
occupied b^ O9.r9et9.eu8, previou8 to bi8 1a8t unfortunate engagement witb tlie
Boman soree8, plainly indieat68 tbat tbe eliies advantage it po88688ed a8 a place os
defence aro86 from it8 8ituation on a detaebed eminence, tlie natural disbeultie8 os
approaebing wbieb liad been inerened bz^ art?
Ibe ca8tle8 or encampment os tlie Briton8 were 8ituated on bigb and almo8t
inacee88il)l6 mountain8, 8ueb a8 Oarn-Nadr^n, near l^ev^n; Oarndoelien, near
Bala; and Benmaen-Nawr, all in l>lortb N^aln; and Orugbowell, above Oricb-
bowel, in 8outb ^Vale8. ^686 were principally formed b^ enelo8ure8 or rampart
ok 1oo8e 8tone8, witbin wbieb were ereetion8 for tbe 8lie1ter ok tlie garri8on, and
subterranean exeavation8, probably for 8tore8? Nan^ ok tbe ancient sort ok l>lortb
Britain bear eon8iderab1e r68emblanee to tbo86 in N^ale8, botb in 8ituation and
8trueture, ok wbieb tbe following ma^ be 8peeibed a8 example8. ^Vbite-Oatertbun,
and Brown-Oatertbun, in tbe pari8b ok Nenmuir, in Borkar8bire; Barr^bill, near
^l^tb, in Bertb8bire; and tbe kortre88 ok Bun-Bvan, in l^airnbire. ^be8e and
otber remain8 ok tbe 8ame bind are de8eribed b^ Nr. Obalmer8, wbo eon8ider8
tbem a8 tbe worb8 ok tbe ancient inbabitant ok Britain, before tbe Boman invnion.
N^itbin tbe N^bite-Oatertbun, wbieb i8 ok va8t 8trengtb, are tbe koundation8 ok a
rectangular building, togetber witb tbo8e ok variou8 8maller circular one8, " all
wbieb foundation bad once tbeir 8uper8trueture8, tbe 8belter8 ok tbe po88688or8 ok
tbe pO8t."8 8imilar koundation8 ok circular bou868 remain witbin manzr otber
ancient bill-sort in bilortb Britain, in N^ale8, and in (Cornwall. ^itbin 8everal
ok tbe or bill-sortre8868 ok Ireland, tbere are al8O remain8 ok -similar

" ^6cls st ^Ksccrrrcias st mills sssg-rim" 8at. xii. v. 46.
" 8up^lsmsnt ^uti<^." vol. iii. b. 2, s. 8.
Z " Os Lsllo Oullico," 1. v. s. 7. " ^.niml." 1. xii. s. 33.
? Ooms's " lour ot Oiruldus Lamdrsnsis," vol. ii. p. 402. Ibicl. vol. ii. p. 88. OouFli's edition ok
Oam^su's Lrituuuiu, vol. ii. x. 646. 566, s6it. 1789.
b " (3ule6omki.," vol. i. x. 87—96.