Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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8?L(MM8 Ok' ^.XOdO-HON^X ^X6H0-8^.X0X
io 1066.
H^vixo, in the preceding chapter, Aiven a lull and, it i8 hoped, satisfactory
elucidation ok the history ok Oliristian architecture in Ln^land,—pointed out the
dates ok various duildinAS, and endeavoured to characterise their respective stales,
Matures, and peculiarities, it now remains kor U8 to review the graphic illustrations
ok the present volume. In the execution ok this tash, we shall meet with ocular
examples ok tlie korrn8 and curvatures ok arches, doors, and windows; Ike pro-
portion and characteristics ok column; tlie 8uee688ive changes that toolc place in
tlie korms ancl idling in ok windows, and decoration ok wall8, 3ce.; and indeed de
presented with delineations ok a1mo8t all ide varietie8 ok architectural design that
have deen adopted h^ tlie mona8tie arti8t8 ok kormer time8. ^Vitli the historical
narrative already recorded, the kew de8criptive remarks made, and the more pre-
ei86 de8eription8 to de Aiven, aided h^ the engraved representations ok the
numerous plate8 in thi8 volume, it i8 hoped that we 8hall kurni8h 8ueh a dod^ ok
evidence as will tend to satisk^ the mind ok the architectural anti^uar^, and aikord
much usekul data kor the practical architect. Whilst the kormer will thus de 8upplied
with a 8ort ok grammar ok In kavourite 8eienee, the latter ma^ re8ort to these pa^es
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