Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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IvkkLis, OetanZular, Da^er Marne^ House, I. View.
-OxburZK Hull, witk trekoil
keaded arcades, II. View.
-witk oZee croclcetsd domes, and
statues for tlnials, IDest 8towe, II. View.
-witk spire and pinnacles, lat-
terskg.il Oastle, II. View.
--> witli oriel windows, IVindsor
Oastle, II. View.
-— 8t. OeorZe's Okap. III. View.
-witlr pinnacles, IDestern lowers
ok Dincoln Oatk. V. Kos. 51, 52.
-at Last Dnd ok Dincoln Oatk. V.
Ko. 58.
Vi >vows, Double, IrianZular keaded, tower ok Darton
8t. Deter, V. Ko. 5.
-Hemrerreulai', lemple Ok. I. vi, 16.—
V'itk mullions, Malmesbury, I. 2, 13.—8tewlrel^
Ok. II. I.—8t. Deter's, Kortkampton, II. 8. — Hitk
^iZ2gA mouldinZs, 8t. dokn's, Devices, II. 5.—
IVitk enricked mouldings, 8t. Deter's, Oxkord, IV.
121, Dl. 2.—Duildwas Vkkez", IV. 71.—Ornamented,
8t. dosepk's Okapel, Olastonbur;', IV. 196. — Dud-
low Oastle, interior gud exterior views ok, IV.
138.—Ok. ok8t. Oross, exterior gud interior, V. Ko.30.
-Dorrrled, earl^, Dunstable Dr Ok. I. v, 3.—
XbinZdon Ok. I. o, 4.—Kind's Ooll. Okap. I. n,* 7.—
Vkree liZkts, cinquekoil beads, witkout tracery, Round
Ok. OambridZe, I. n, 10.—Malmesbury Vbb. I. 2,13.
—Dittle Maplestead Ok. two liZkts, witk quatrefoil,
I. iu,* 18.—8t. dokn's Ok. Devices, II. 5.—8kirlaw
Okapel, IV. 127.—Iwo 8pscimen8 krom Roston Ok.
-Rast end ok Dincoin Oatk. V. Kos. 57,
58. —ludor arck, deeply recessed, witk two liZkts,
and tracery, Kenilwortk Oastle. — Kumerous, lat-
terskall Oastle. — Dive liZkts, witk transoms and
tracery, Olerestor^ ok Denr^ VII's Okap. II. Dl.
XI. and XVIII. — Dikteen liZkts, two transoms,
wilk tracery, Host end Denr^ VII's Okapel, II.
Dl. XVII. — Dour liZkts, transoms and tracery,
Olerestor^ ok 8t. OeorZe's Okapel, Windsor, III.
Dl. II.—Dikteen liZkts, kour transoms, and tracer)',
IDest Dront 8t. OeorZe's Okapel, VDindsor, rbrd. Dl.
III. kc.
.-Dor-rted, witk mullions, trekoils, and
sculptured KZurss, in Okancsl ok Dorckestsr Ok.
V. Ko. 61. — IVitk ZenealoZical tree, in Dorckes-
ter Ok. V. Ko. 62.—Double pointed, in Dorckes-
ter Ok. V. Ko. 63. — DarZs, witk mullions and
tracery, Host Dnd ok Hinckester Oatk. V. Ko.

67.—Obtuse pointed, Dast Dnd ok 8t. Daurence Ok.
Dveskam, V. Ko.68.—Darl^pointed, Oanterburv Oatk.
V. Ko. 73.—Irekoil keaded, Oanterbur^ Oatk. V. Ko.
73.—Dointed, ok tkree liZkts, krom Oast Derskam Ok.
V. Ko. 73.—IDitk trekoil tracery, krom VDellinZ-
borouZK Ok. V. Ko. 73.—IDitk mullions, koliated pe-
dimental tracery, Merton Ool. Ok. Oxkord, V. Ko. 73.
IViKvows, specimens ok, ekronoloZicall^ arranged, krom
XnZlo-Roman example to square-beaded, V. Kos.
83, 84.
-specimens ok, various, vis. two cr'reulor, seven
semieb'erdar/teoded, four earl^ pointed, tkree trekoil
keaded, V. Ko. 76.
-specimens ok krom Dast ends ok Okurckes,
tkree narrow pointed, witk one circular, Zable, Oas-
tle DedinZkam Ok.; interior okditto ; pointed ok tkree
liZkts, witk circular window in Zable, Okickester
Oatk.; tkree narrow pointed, krom Ok. ok 8t. Dar-
tkolomew, 8andwick; two narrow pointed, witk
quatrekoil between tkeir beads, krom Oalbourns
Ok.; tkree narrow pointed, witk quatrefoil over
tke central one, 8t. ^uZustine's Ok. Osnterbur), V.
Ko. 77.
-Orreular, 8t. llotolpk's Drior^ Ok. I. 5.
—Larkreston Ok. IV. 52.—IDalsinZkam Drior^, IV.
103.—l^nemoutk Driers, IV.—8outk Iransept ok Din-
coln Oatk. V. Ko. 59.
-Dive ok Oatkerine wkeel form ,-
one ok kour small arckes, included in a larZer ; live
koliated; one pointed witk koliated bead, V. Ko. 79.
-Hguare-beoded, Daz er Marne^ Douse, witk
oZee keaded liZkts, I. o, 1.—Dton OolleZe, II. 88.—
DonZleat Douse, witk mullions and transoms, II.—
Dast Laskam, tkree liZkts, II. 92.—OxburZK Dall,
kour liZkts, witk transoms and labels, II.—Ikornburz'
Oastle, witk label, IV. 156.
-Da^,DenZrave Dall, witk skields ok arms,
II. 96.— 8emicircular, Lcc. Dsnr^ VII.'s Okap. II.
49, Dl.—Dton OolleZe, II. 28.—Orosb^ Dall, IV. 187,
Dl.—Divs different specimens, Loston Ok. IV. Dl.—
Xudle^ Dnd, II. DI.
—-singular, IVenlock Drior^, IV. 64.—Dall,
lancet witk columns and sculptured cap, Oxkord Okap.
Do. IV. 126.—Various, Oastle RisinZ Oastle, IV.
160.—Doop-kole, Korwick Oastle, IV. 164.—Roekss-
ter Oastle, IV. 158.—Oolckester Oastle, I. L.v, 4—-
lime ok Denr^ VIII. and Dliirabetk, Windsor Oastle,
II. 100.—XZreementkor paintinZ,IV.1I.—8t. OsorZe's
Okap. stained Zlass, L^c. III. 39.—8t. Kickolas Okap.
D^nn, III. 57. — Roslyn Okap. III. 55. — Korwick
Oloisters, III. 86.—Hires varieties, 8t. Kickolas Okap.
III. 58.