Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Brugsch, Heinrich
Egypt under the pharaohs: a history derived entirely from the monuments — London, 1891

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which the lord of the land inspired them. I entered
the land of He-ha, visited its watering-places, and
opened the harbours.'

The land of He-ha lay above the Second Cataract.
Se-Hathor seems to have been the first who explored
the region. Afterwards, under the third TJsertsen, an
immense stone covered with inscriptions was erected at
Semneh, which served as a mark of the Egyptian
boundary for the inhabitants of the country of He-ha.
The same Se-Hathor, who boasts ' that he had been
sent by his Majesty many times on missions of all
kinds,' relates in another passage a service of a peculiar
description :—

I was sent over to the building of (King) Amenu, whose
pyramid is called Kherp—may he live for ever !—to superintend
the execution of the work upon fifteen statues of hard durable stone.
(The restoration of) what had been thrown down in one day was
completed in two months. Never was the like done since the rule
of the sun-god Ra.

King Amenu, whose name and existence we learn
only from this short inscription, appears nowhere else
on the monuments. He must, at all events, have be-
longed to the rulers immediately before the Twelfth
Dynasty, and in all probability he was one of the an-
cestors of the Pharaohs of that dynasty.

At Tanis, in Lower Egypt, there are also traces of
the royal power of Amen-em-hat; for there was found,
under the debris and ruins of the destroyed temples,
the life-size statue, in black granite, of the wife of this
king, who was called by the name of Nefert, which
means either ' the good' or ' the beautiful.' The royal
lady, with her hair dressed in the ancient fashion, is
seated on a throne, on which her names and titles are
engraved in full. In a memorial tablet at Gizeh