Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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The papyri frequently allude to this city by name,
adding also another appellation, Pa-Kamessu, ' the city
of Kamses,' identified by M. Naville with Phacus.
Lying east of theTanite nomewas the eighth, or Sethroite,
whose capital bore the name of Pa-Tmu, ' city of Turn,'
the Pi thorn of the Bible. This town formed the central
point of a district, the name of which is of foreign
origin, for Thuku, or Succoth, is a Semitic word signify-
ing a ' tent' or ' camp.' This was pasture-land and the
property of Pharaoh, and on it the wandering Bedawi
of the eastern deserts pitched their tents in order to
procure necessary food for their cattle. Here the
Israelites first encamped at the time of the Exodus,
moving on the second day to a place called Etham,
which was either in the country of Succoth or in its
close neighbourhood. It is the place called, in various
hieratic papyri, Khetam, the meaning of which, ' a
shut-up place, fortress,' completely agrees with the
Hebrew Etham.

In this same Sethroite nome lay, without doubt, the

town of Ha-Uar,|]\^£5 Oi®, DX' ' the house
of the leg,' the Avaris of Manetho, a town which in
Hyksos days became so celebrated. It was on the east
of the Pelusiac arm of the Nile and appears to have
been connected with the river by a canal. The gradual
silting up of the ancient bed of the river has made the
situation of the towns on its banks so difficult to deter-
mine that there is scarcely a hope of finding again the
site of the lost city of Avaris. But that Ha-Uar must in
any case be sought in the neighbourhood of a lake is
evident from the inscription in the .tomb of Aahmes,
the navigator, at El-Kab, who relates how he was present
when the Egyptian fleet was fighting the foreign
enemies on the waters of Pa-Zetku, near the town of