Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Brugsch, Heinrich
Egypt under the pharaohs: a history derived entirely from the monuments — London, 1891

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426 APIS-STiL^l OF AMASIS II. ch. xvn..

Tablet V.

Year 23, month Pakhons, day 15, under the reign of King"
Khnum-ab-Ra (Amasis), "who bestows life for ever, the god was-
carried in peace to the good region of the West. His interment
in the nether-world was accomplished, in the place which his
Majesty had prepared—never had the like been done since early
times—after they had fulfilled for him all that is customary, in
the chambers of purification ; for his Majesty bore in mind what
Horus had done for his father Osiris. He had a great sarcophagus
of rose granite made for him, because his Majesty approved the-
custom, that all the kings in every age had caused it (the sarco-
phagus of each Apis-bull) to be made out of costly stone. He
caused curtains of woven stuffs to be made as coverings for the
south side and the north side (of the sarcophagus). He had his-
talismans put therein, and all his ornaments of gold and costly
precious stones. They were prepared more splendidly than ever
before, for his Majesty had loved the living Apis better than all
(the other) kings.

The holiness of this god went to heaven in the year 23, month
Phamenoth, day 6. His birth took place in the year 5, month
Tehuti, day 7 ; his inauguration at Memphis in the month Payni,
day 8. The full lifetime of this god amounted to 18 years, 6-
months. ' This is what was done for him by Aahmes-se-Nit, who-
bestows pure life for ever.'

The granite sarcophagus of this bull stands to this
day in situ in the Serapeum. On the cover are in-
scribed the words :—

The king Amasis. He has caused this to be made for his-
memorial of the living Apis, (namely) this huge sarcophagus of red
granite, for his Majesty approved the custom, that all the kings in
all ages had had such made of costly stones. This did he, the'
bestower of life for ever.

Besides the embalming and the funeral pomp, the
kings were put to great expense for the restoration of
the subterranean tombs, which were each of them hewn
out of the rock during the lifetime of the Apis for'
which they were destined. Besides, the construction
of the sepulchral vault required some time.