Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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II. The Theban version, which was commonly written on papyri in hiero-
glyphics ancl was dividecl into sections or chapters, each of which had
its distinct title but no definite place in the series. The version was
much used from the XVIIIth to the XXth dynasty.

III. A version closely allied to the preceding version, which is found written
on papyri in the hieratic character and also in hieroglyphics. In this
version, which came into use about the XXth dynasty, the chapters
have no fixed order.

IV. The so-called Sai'te version, in which, at some period anterior probably
to the XXVIth dynasty, the chapters were arranged in a definite order.
It is commonly written in hieroglyphics ancl in hieratic, and it was
much used from the XXVIth dynasty to the end of the Ptolemai'c

The earliest inscribed monuments and human remains found in Egypt prove
that the ancient Egyptians took the utmost care to preserve the bodies of their

and 268-89 on the coffin of Antef (see Lepsius, Denkmdler, ii., Bl. 145 ; Maspero, Recueil, t. iii.,
pp. 200, 214); line 206 on a coffin of Menthu-hetep at Berlin (see Lepsius, Aelteste Texte, Bl. 5);
lines 269-94 on the sarcophagus of Heru-hetep (see Maspero, Memoires, t. i., p. 144). A section is
found on the walls of the tomb of Queen Neferu (see Maspero, Recueil, t. iii., p. 201 ff.; Mhnoires,

t. i., p. 134); other sections are found on the sarcophagus of ® [j, Taka (see Lepsius,

Denkmdler, ii., Bll. 147, 148; Maspero, Guide au Visiteur, p. 224, No. 1053; Memoires, t. i., p. 134);

lines 5-8 occur on the stele of Apa [|Q(j (see Ledrain, Monumetits JSgyptiens de la Bibl. Nationale,

Paris, 1879, foll. 14, 15); lines 166 ff. are found on the stele of Nehi (see Mariette, Notice des Alon.
d Boulaq, p. 190; Maspero, Recueil, t. iii., p. 195); and lines 576-83 on the coffin of Sebek-Aa

P _j, (see LePsius> Aelteste Texte, Bl. 37; Maspero, Recueil, t. iv., p. 68). In the

XVJIIth dynasty line 169 was copied on a wall in the temple of Hatshepset at Der el-bahari (see
Diimichen, Hist. Inschriften, Bll. 25-37 ; Maspero, Recueil, t. i., p. 195 ff); and copies of lines 379-99
occur in the papyri of Mut-hetep (British Museum, No. 10,010) and Nefer-uten-f (Paris, No. 3092.
See Naville, Todtenbuch, Bd. I., Bl. 197; Aeg. Zeitschrift, Bd. XXXII., p. 3; and Naville, Einleitung,
pp. 39, 97). In the XXVIth dynasty we find texts of the Vth dynasty repeated on the walls of the
tomb of Peta-Amen-apt, the chief kher-heb at Thebes (see Diimichen, Der Grabpalast des Patuamenap
in der Theba^iischen Nekropolis, Leipzig, 1884-85); and also upon the papyrus written for the lady Sais


about a.d. 200 (see Deveria, Catalogue des MSS. ISgyptiens, Paris, 1874, p. 170

No. 3155). Signor Schiaparelli’s words are :—“ Esso e scritto in ieratico, di un tipo paleografico
“ speciale: T enorme abbondanza di segni espletivi, la frequenza di segni o quasi demotici o quasi
“ geroglifici, la sottigliezza di tutti, e T incertezza con cui sono tracciati, che rivela una mano piii abituata
“ a scrivere in greco che in egiziano, sono altrettanti caratteri del tipc ieratico del periodo esclusivamente
“ romano, a cui il nostro papiro appartiene senza alcun dubbio.” II Libro dei Funerali, p. 19. On
Deverii’s work in connection with this MS., see Maspero, Le Rituel du sacrifice Funeraire (in Revue de
l’Histoire des Re/igions, t. xv., p. 161).